Reduce Stress with a Soothing Environment

Stress in the workplace often comes home with you, and finding ways to reduce that stress will lead to a better quality of life. One tip that will help to reduce stress is to take naps when you are able to. Taking naps to reduce stress is a quick pick me up and helps you refocus your day. This small rest will help you relax and feel renewed.
Colors affect our moods. There are both soothing colors and colors that stimulate your mind. Cool colors such as blues and greens have soothing effects, while warm colors like orange and red will stimulate you. Choosing cool colors in your environment will help keep your mind more serene. If you are unable to paint a wall a soothing color, why not choose drapes, pictures or pillows that reflect these stress reducing colors.
Plants and animals are also things that can help create a soothing environment. Owners with pets have been shown to have lower blood pressure overall. Dogs and cats aren’t the only pets available; why not purchase fish and an aquarium if you aren’t interested in other types of animals. Watching fish in an aquarium is soothing and relaxing.
Reducing stress does not have to be something you work at; a soothing environment does the work for you. A simple window garden, terrarium or plant can help calm you and reduce stress for a few minutes. Little things add up and calm the mind. If you have space to tend a garden outside, many people find gardening helps reduce stress.
Playing calming background music is a simple way to help reduce stress. Music can be played quietly without interfering with your work, and will automatically have a calming effect on you. Choose music that suits your style, or try something new such as sounds of nature or spa music.
Deep breathing is another cost free way to reduce stress. Slowly breathe in, hold the breath for a short while and slowly exhale. Simple stress reducers can give your life better quality. Choosing to work or live in a soothing environment can help you reduce stress.