Referendum on Land Swap Scheduled

DEEP RIVER – The results of an upcoming referendum may the last determining factor regarding a proposed Walgreens Pharmacy on Main Street.

A referendum will take place on Thursday, September 14 between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. at the Deep River Library Community Room at 150 Main Street.

Residents will be asked to vote yes for approval or no for disapproval on the following question, “Shall the Town of Deep River reaffirm the vote of the town meeting on December 20, 2004, which authorized the Board of Selectmen to exchange town property at 184-188 Main Street for property at 180 Main Street in accordance with the plan approved by the Deep River Planning and Zoning Commission on August 7, 2006, for construction of a municipal parking lot and pharmacy on said properties?”

The December 20, 2004 referendum was passed by residents on a 347-183 vote.

The Planning and Zoning Commission passed with conditions a 9,960 square foot Walgreens with one drive-thru window on the 184-188 Main Street property to be built by Turnpike Properties, owner of the Deep River Shopping Center across the street.

First Selectman Richard Smith said there will be a 40-space municipal parking lot between the pharmacy and the Town Hall which will be built and maintained by Turnpike Properties but owned by the town.

The town will also receive $100,000 from Turnpike Properties for a future town hall expansion or annex, Smith said.
Smith advised residents to approve the measure because “if the land swap doesn’t happen, the town won’t have a pharmacy.”

Voting machines will be used and ballots will be counted at the library after the close of polls.

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