Reflux Symptoms and How to Relieve Babies

Reflux is a common occurrence in infants, especially in the first six months. An immature digestive system equals spit-up and reflux pain in many babies. However, it is good to know that most babies out grow the worst of it by six months. In the mean time, learn how to ease your baby’s symptoms.

Positioning while feeding your child is important. Always make sure his head is slightly elevated while he eats so that gravity will work in his favor. Also, try positioning him over your breast if you are nursing. Burp baby as often as you can throughout- a buildup of air can irritate the reflux.

Breastfeeding mothers may want to start an elimination diet in an attempt to weed out offending foods. This may include milk, onions, cabbage, and chocolate. Formula fed babies may react better to special brands that are specifically designed for babies with reflux and/or milk allergies. (These may be pricey, mind you.)

Make sure baby is elevated for at least twenty minutes after a meal and mind that you don’t jostle him around too much. A quiet, calm room during feeding time may also aid in proper digestion. As a last result, your pediatrician may suggest a daily medication for your baby, such as Zantac. This medicine will be administered after meals and/or before bedtime.

Most cases of spit up are harmless and normal. However, severe cases of reflux can lead to a host of serious problems, including refusal to feed and failure to thrive. Be sure to do whatever you can to help baby digest his food well. As always, contact your pediatrician about any questions or concerns.

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