Remove Dents and Wrinkles in Carpeting

Don’t be afraid to buy the heavy furniture you want. Heavy furniture can be moved effortlessly, without causing wrinkles in the carpeting, and deep dents really aren’t difficult to remove. There are simple gadgets that assist with moving furniture, and existing dents can be removed in a matter of minutes.
The following information will help you remove deep indentations and wrinkles caused by heavy furniture. These methods of removing deep dents and wrinkles are safe and effective, and carpeting that once appeared damaged by deep dents and wrinkles can once again look like new.
Removing Deep Indentations in Carpeting
You can vacuum a dent in the carpeting over and over, and the stubborn dent remains. Even very old dents in the carpeting that have been vacuumed dozens of times are still visible. Don’t bother vacuuming dents. The dents will remain indefinitely. Simply dampen a bath towel or a hand towel, and place the towel over the indentations. Gently iron the indentations until the towel is dry. Remove the towel, and just like magic, the indentations should be gone.
Removing Wrinkles in Carpeting
Carpeting doesn’t have to be old to begin looking wrinkled. Sliding heavy furniture over carpets pulls and stretches it, and in time, the carpets no longer lay flat. Wrinkles and bumps form, and they make otherwise perfectly good carpet old in appearance.
If your carpets are looking wrinkled and bumpy, and you haven’t been moving heavy furniture, it could have been installed improperly. If it hasn’t been very long since the carpet was laid, call the carpet layer and have the carpet stretched and reinstalled. Stretching the carpet and tacking it again may also be necessary if the wrinkles and bumps are severe.
Slight wrinkling caused by moving heavy furniture can be smoothed out by readjusting the furniture and rubbing out the wrinkles. When moving furniture in the future, use caution and attain help lifting, or consider buying furniture sliders.
Move Heavy Furniture the Easy Way
Furniture sliders have been advertised as a miracle way to move heavy furniture. These disc-shaped pieces of smooth plastic are placed under furniture legs, and furniture that was once heavy and cumbersome becomes light and easy to move. The furniture slides across the carpets effortlessly, and without causing injury to your back or damage to carpet fibers.
My parents bought a set of furniture sliders while in the process of cleaning their carpeting, and my dad couldn’t believe how easily the furniture slid across the floor. I’m going to buy a set for myself so I don’t hurt my back or damage my carpeting when it becomes necessary to move my furniture.