Remove Stains from Grout the Easy Way

Unless you have taken the time and energy to invest in a grout sealer, you will find that the grout in your bathroom will begin to accumulate dirt and it will stain more easily over time. Here’s how to clean grout the easy way.

Old Toothbrush

Dentists advise us to replace old toothbrushes every 3 months or so. But that does not mean to say that they should be thrown away when they are no longer required to brush your teeth. Old toothbrushes are the right size for getting into awkward spots to clean and that includes grout. Spraying a strong bathroom cleaner directly onto grout and then using a sponge to wipe it away will clean the surrounding tiles, but it will not be effective at cleaning the grout and lifting stains. This will leave the bathroom still looking dirty, as the grout stains remain.

Instead, spray a small amount of bathroom cleaner, preferably with bleach, directly onto the toothbrush and then brush gently back and forth over the grout. You will find that the toothbrush works where the sponge failed at lifting the stain on the grout. The result will be a cleaner, more hygienic looking bathroom.


The wonders of vinegar are well known and documented, both in cookery and in cleaning. If you are trying to restore your grout to a gleaming white once again, then vinegar might be just what you need. Pour the desired amount into a spray bottle and combine with a little water, but not too much or else it will dilute the vinegar and make it less effective. Mix the vinegar and water solution by shaking the spray bottle and then spray it directly onto the grout. Leave the vinegar and water solution to work and then return in a few minutes, or longer if the grout is badly stained.

Wipe the vinegar and water residue away and then pat dry. For extra protection, use grout sealer to seal the grout and prevent any further build of stains in future. But before you seal the grout, make sure that the tile and grout are completely dry, otherwise the grout sealer will not be absorbed into the grout and work as effectively.

These are two very simple ways that you can remove stains from grout without having to invest a lot of money in expensive products to do the job for you. Old toothbrushes and vinegar are products that most households have. So rather than throw old toothbrushes away and leave vinegar to gather dust in your pantry, use these two products to remove stains from grout.

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