Repairing Carpet Damage

Carpets might be susceptible to a major number of damage. It can be easy; on the contrary, it can be a bull work to repair it unless you know the right way to get things done. The repair frequency depends on the type of damage.


There isn’t much that can be done incase of a major burn. If the burn is minor in nature, the burnt part can be just clipped off. Cookie cutters are used in case of major burns where, the damaged area has to be replaced with new piece of carpet.


Caused by fiber breakage, loose fibers attached on the end starts wearing out and protrude out of the carpet edge. It would be wise to inspect for this regularly and cut any unnecessary fiber. The easy way out would be to vacuum the area.


Furniture and sometimes centre table kept on a Carpet for a long time can result in deep marks in the carpet. Take an iron with steam spray ability, and pour club soda in it. Let it heat for a while and then spray the steam on the effected area until it is moist. Check regularly for cases of re-fluffing. When done repeat the step if required.


The pile of carpet sensitive to heavy moment can be flattened resulting in shading of the carpet. The solution is to take a vacuum and apply it in the direction of the shading. In case of solid colors, the effect of shading is prominent. In spite of the above remedy certain difference can easily be affected that is difficult to remove.


Shedding occurs with a due course of time. The fibers of the carpet start coming out more occasionally. This happens in a normal course of time due to wear and tear. Though there isn’t much that can be done to stop it but to make things neat, vacuum the carpet regularly.


Tufts may appear on the carpet over time. Clip off these tufts with scissors. If the case worsens, take the carpet to its dealer and there it can be re-tuft. This is more of a yarn problem.


This occurs when the tufts coming out are longer as compared to the others. The same strategy can be applied while adopted in snags.

Static electricity

This occurs due to walking, sometimes due to torn shoe as well. It can occur due to carpet defects, type of floor etc. Moisture plays a major role giving shock to people walking on the carpet.

There are two ways to eliminate this problem. The first is to spray water to create more moisture in air. The other one is to spray an anti-static agent.

Carpet beetles

Prevention is better than cure. Keep the carpet clean with regular dusting. This will help in keeping away any pests. The carpet beetles can eat through the fur of the carpet therefore care should be taken in advance.


Bleeding is the difference between the carpets colors in two different areas. Underlying properly can prevent bleeding from occurring.

Carpet damage can be fatal as it might involve heavy repairs, thus more time and waste of money. Therefore one should keep the carpets in a good position rather than to regret later.

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