Republican Hypocrisy

The Republican party of the U.S believe that Americans should be able to control their own lives and destiny without the interference of the government. The late Republican president, Ronald Reagan said it best in his 1981 inaugural address , “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” As a middle class American teenager I support that Republican idea completely because we live in a capitalistic country where everybody has the opportunity to support themselves and their loved ones financially, it just comes down to their work ethic and their will to go out their and make the money.

However the 21st century GOP completely lose me, when they decide to put at the top of their agenda: Christian conservatism (bans on abortion and same sex marriage), social conservatism (ban on social acceptance of divorce, homosexuality and promiscuity), and the dangerous neo-conservative philosophy (unlimited spending on military to spread democracy) . Before I move on I would like to clarify that I am a devout Christian and do go to church weekly, but do not support evangelicals who like to mix politics and the teachings of the almighty God in a bowl and then pour it out unto the rest of the country who has already grown to resent us for quoting the bible when opposing gay marriage and the right to abortion.

I just listed three different factions within the GOP, Christian conservatives (ban on bible opposing living), social conservatives (restoration of the old American family) and neo conservatives (military action against any foreign regime that is not democratic). Two of these factions greatly contradict one another and they are the Christian conservatives who don’t believe in abortion because they are “pro-life” and the neo-conservatives who support war , have no regard for the civilian lives in these foreign countries in which we are using our military against and believe there is no limit on the spending if it means “reforming” foreign nations.

The reason that I keep making references to neo-conservatism is because it has become the center of the Republican party. For the GOP to adopt this radical neo-conservative foreign policy is completely hypocritical and in my opinion couldn’t be justified by the members of the party. As I mentioned earlier the general Republican ideology is supposed to be, limited spending on American citizens who are less fortunate because they believe that people should provide for themselves without government interference while the Democrats believe in spending heavily on social programs for less fortunate Americans. This has to be the biggest hypocritical belief within the GOP. What does it say about the Republicans if they believe in limited spending domestically but unlimited spending abroad?

According to a paper written by a Harvard University professor and a Columbia University professor on the economic costs of the Iraq war, we have already spent $251 billion in military operations, $82 billion in Afghanistan and $24 billion for related foreign operations. That amount of money should never ever be spent internationally if it means we’ll be putting ourselves deeper into an economic hole, and I don’t think my generation is prepared to wrestle with the largest debt in world history, within a decade tax increases would need to reach $7,000 per household (37% tax increase) just to balance the budget.

Where are we taking our country? Why are we trying to help the people of the middle east so much if it means the next generation of American tax payers well have trouble paying off debts caused by current Republican leaders? This neo-conservative philosophy that has taken over the GOP is extremely dangerous to the well being of American citizens, both economically and in terms of security.

No one should want to play world police if it means our lives are at risk here. But don’t tell that to the leader of the world bank Paul Wolfowitz, Fox News Sunday political contributor Bill Kristol, Florida governor Jeb Bush, secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld. All of these men and many others are members of a Washington D.C based neo-conservative think tank called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The PNAC’s main objective is American global domination and the war in Iraq was the first major step to doing so. Even those within the GOP should be afraid of these guys, since these guys agenda is being carried out and they are in all the right positions within government to carry out the agenda effectively. Just go to their website and you could read their fundamental propositions for yourself which is, “American leadership is good for both America and for the world, such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle”, you can’t stress military strength and moral principle. Of course there will be lives lost when military action occurs and murder by one human on another is immoral in itself.

If you think that was scary, they want more federal spending on defense, like almost half a trillion dollars isn’t enough spent already. They also want to control the new international commons of the internet and space, by creating a U.S SPACE FORCES!!!! With the mission of space control. Excuse my theological vocabulary for a second, but are they trying to push us to the brink of Armageddon? There is no room in American society for a ideology that could mean destruction of us as a nation and I don’t know how the Christians or even the sane people within the GOP could manage to allow such a dangerous agenda be carried out.

I want to mention one more major contradiction within the GOP. Not only are the Christian conservatives pro-life but most of the GOP is as well, and I applaud them for the Christian morals and standards many Republicans leaders and the president, speak so well and thoughtfully about on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, NBC’s Meet the Press with Tim Russert and This week with George Stephanopolous. How could any Christian in their right mind vote for these guys? They advocate almost everything the bible opposes, if Republicans read the same bible as I do, then they are not reading it the same way. The majority of Republican leaders favor gun ownership and the death penalty. But in Exodus chapter 20 it says: Do not commit murder. If they are so religiously inclined they wouldn’t favor such barbaric acts as the death penalty and gun ownership. The death penalty is murder and guns are used to murder. That is a blatant hypocrisy of Republican ideas.

We are allowing the Republican party to push us closer and closer to the end of times, which is mentioned in the book revelations in the new testament of the bible. We are becoming increasingly involved in the middle east where we are at the point of no return. The bible says where the center of the last days will be and it is in the middle east. While most Republicans claim to be devout church goers why haven’t they realized that they are playing sheep to a Shepard (G.W and friends) who is setting up all the pieces for the global war that will lead God to calling the Christians home and leaving the dumbfounded (George Bush and his followers) here on earth to see the very face of the Anti-Christ who’ll reign on the world for 7 years and then try to destroy the holy land of Israel.

I could go on days and days about the hypocrisies and the wrongs of the Republican party, but I want to save a little for later.

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