Repurpose Household Items to Carry Yard and Garden Debris

When researching a tool for carrying yard debris, I initially focused on wheeled carts. In particular, I was torn between a wheelbarrow with bicycle wheels and a small four-wheeled metal wagon with removable sides. I decided on the wagon, which I could pull with one hand. I could transport my garden tools and haul a large amount yard debris. Often times, though, I only needed to carry a small amount of yard debris. Pulling out the wagon was not worth the effort. Looking around the house and tool shed, I discovered some items to use instead of the wagon. These repurposed household items work perfectly for yard and garden debris such as pruned flower stems, small limbs from shrubs or trees, and weeds.
Trash can
How is this for a novel idea: use a plastic trash can to collect yard waste. It can be lined with plastic trash bag, making cleanup a breeze. If you compost yard waste, skip the bag. I have used two different types of garbage cans, one with wheels and one without wheels. Ironically, the plastic trash can without wheels worked better. I could pull the handle and slide the large base of the can across the grass and sidewalk. If the can was only partially filled at the conclusion of yard cleanup, then I would place the lid on the can and wait for another day of weeding to top it off.
The plastic trash can lid, when placed on the ground, is an easy location to toss weeds as they are pulled. When finished, gently bend the lid to funnel the content into the trash can. I also use a trash can lid when separating root balls of perennial plants. I can then drag (or carry if it is not too heavy) the lid to the planting area.
Grocery bag cart
A grocery bag cart is a wire basket on wheels designed to tote groceries to the house. I used that type of cart when I lived in the city and could not bring myself to throw it out when I moved to a rural community. The grocery bag cart holds a tall kitchen trash can bag fairly well. It is easy to navigate the yard, pulling the cart with one hard, and keeping the other hand is free to carry pruners or other tools.
Fireplace log tote
We have two totes to bring logs inside for the fireplace. One is a rectangular shaped basket with the short ends open. The other log carrier is canvas sling that measures about 30 inches by 18 inches. The shorter sides of the sling have leather handles. Each of these log totes is suitable for carrying short pruned branches from trees or shrubs.
Plastic planter
The first ball and burlap Christmas tree I purchased spent several months resting in a very large plastic planter. The tree was eventually planted and now, the planter is perfect for collecting and hauling raked autumn leaves or weeds or any other garden debris. Measuring 20 inches tall and 20 inches in diameter, the large lip around the top of the container makes it easy to slide, even when full.