Researching Pharmaceutical Companies

Since medications are always being researched and improved upon, it would be a good idea to check some medical research companies for pharmaceutical companies. Most likely, the research company will have a link or phone number you can use if you have questions about your prescriptions and/or delivery procedures. You can also check medical magazines and brochures; there are always advertisements for different medications and insurance companies. When you get in touch with any of these types of pharmaceutical companies, they should be able to answer any questions you have about your medication (i.e. side effects, dosages, what not to mix your medications with, etc.). Here are some companies and publications you may want to try:
Cato Research
This company specializes in medical resources, and is available in both the United States and Europe. There is a lab guide ( within the Cato Research website, where you can look up the medication you were, or think you should be, prescribed, the health problem you’re suffering from, and the pharmaceutical companies that can best assist you. You will then be linked to a list of medications, with a description and price list for each. There are also veterinary medicines on the website, so you can search for the medicines your pets may need as well. Veterinary prescriptions usually come from different pharmaceutical companies, but you can most likely find a link on the research site. Before you make any purchases online, though, you should contact the pharmaceutical companies to make sure the online information matches the description of the medication.
Science Magazine
Science Magazine has very valuable information on pharmaceutical companies. You can also purchase some minor prescriptions from the publication. If you want to find a product on the website, you can select the category the medicine falls under, and you will be presented with a list of choices and prices. Unlike most pharmaceutical companies, Science Magazine will give you a more detailed description of what types of effects certain medications will have on your body. You probably won’t be able to purchase everything you need on the magazine’s website, but you will definitely have valuable information about your prescriptions, so you can make an informed decision when dealing with the pharmaceutical companies. Again, it’s a great idea to check with the pharmaceutical companies directly before making any purchases. And of course, talk to your doctor first before purchasing medications on your own.
There are also some pharmaceutical companies who specialize in making sure you receive your medications, or making sure that your prescriptions are as affordable as possible. Health insurance companies such as Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Pfizer, and Medicare specialize in reducing medication costs and doctor visits for senior citizens, but there are plans for other age groups as well. MediSystems Technologies and Kemsley Pharmacy are smaller pharmaceutical companies that offer a prescription delivery service to your home. Pharmaceutical companies that deliver may cover only certain regions of the country, depending on the size of the company, so check to make sure your area is covered by the pharmaceutical company you choose. You can visit these and other pharmaceutical companies that deliver at,, or
Finding pharmaceutical companies that works best for your medical needs can be challenging, but it’s definitely worth it. Check these resources, your local yellow pages, your neighborhood pharmacy (i.e. in the grocery store or the local drugstore), and even local clinics and hospitals to find out more about how to choose the best pharmaceutical company for your budget and medical needs.