Resolve High-Traffic Granules – For Cleaning Those Tough Carpet Stains

I have a toilet-training toddler and a puppy, so I’m always looking for products to remove stains and odors from my carpet. I’ve recently been using Resolve Stain Remover and when I ran out I sent my husband for more. He grabbed the wrong thing and brought me Resolve High-Traffic Granules instead.

The bottle comes with a small scrub brush that attaches to the side. Inside the bottle are minuscule granules that look like clumpy white powder. The top of the bottle is grated, for easier shaking. I was immediately skeptical. I’d used plenty of powdery carpet cleaners before and was very disappointed with the results. I’m adventurous, though, so I decided to try it.

I read the directions: shake vigorously, pour over stain, scrub, wait, and vacuum. Except for the shape of the container and the little scrub brush, it didn’t seem like anything new or improved. The first thing I noticed that the granules become moist when the scrubbing starts. The mixture seemed to attach to the carpet fibers and almost disappear after a couple of minutes of scrubbing. I ran my hand over the spot and it seemed wet. Ok, that was different. I also noticed that there was no dusty residue on my hands. I waited for half an hour.

When I ran the vacuum over the spot, I noticed that no powder floated in the air. That was nice. The spot I’d cleaned seemed to hold some of the residue, because it was so much lighter than the carpet around it. That’s what I originally thought. After a thorough vacuuming (enough to make sure I got up all of the granules) I got down to inspect. The carpet was dry, it smelled clean and, best of all, there was nothing left behind. It was so much lighter because it was so much CLEANER than the carpet around it. The difference was unbelievable. It was as if I’d steam cleaned just that one spot. I was most definitely impressed.

The bottle claims to deep clean high traffic areas, and I have to say that’s an honest claim. I have since tried it on toddler “accidents” and found that it removes the odors from that splendidly. The doggie footprints are no match for this stuff either. You don’t need much for a spot here or there and can theoretically clean an entire rug with what’s in the bottle. It’s a great value for the money spent. Resolve Stain Remover has been in my cleaning cabinet for months and now I’m making room for High-Traffic Granules. Buying that was the best mistake my husband has ever made.

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