Resources for Busy Moms

The first two sites are great when helping the kids, or yourself, with homework. The Homework Spot ( is a one stop source for all your Kindergarten through 12th grade home work questions. The site has an extensive, easy to use, database covering every subject one can imagine. The site is organized by grade levels and then again by subjects. If you ever need to help the kids with their homework this is a great place to go. A quick search will save you hours of browsing various websites looking for bits and pieces of information. In addition to being able to search the database the site offers a daily question and answer session with an expert on the subject you have questions on.
Sparks Notes ( is a personal favorite of mine and good for a mom who is also in college or a continuing education program. The site offers detailed, well analyzed, summaries on a variety of subjects from television/movie shows to classic literature. It also offers study guides on a variety of subjects and for standardized testing.
The last site and, in my opinion, the best is Work At Home Moms ( which is an online magazine aimed at work at home moms. In addition to providing valuable information on legitimate work at home opportunities the site offers support and advice from moms around the world. Their message board area includes topics on how to save money, home schooling, and weight loss/fitness to name a few. All the sites have a user friendly atmosphere and, most importantly, they are all free.