Review of Bally’s Total Fitness Center in Falls Church, Virginia

The Bally’s Total Fitness Center in Falls Church, Virginia is located in the Loehmann’s Shopping Center at the corner of Arlington Boulevard and Graham Road. It is housed in a two story building with an outdoor pool on the roof.
Club members have various exercise options. On the main level the gym has its aerobic section, including stationary bicycles, ellipticals and treadmills. The ellipticals come in two models, those with and those without ski-pole arm exercises. There are also a number of different treadmill models, each one offering different levels of cardiovascular workouts.
On the second floor, members have access to the weight rooms for strength exercises. Free weights are typically used by the more experienced users, whereas the machines tend to attract the large majority of members who come one, two or generally three times a week, usually for an hour or two.
Both the free weights and the machines are arranged in a logical order, allowing a member to work their muscles in a sequential manner, either from the top of the body down or the bottom up.
There are more than enough machines to cater to a wide variety of exercises by a large mix of different types of members. The atmosphere is always friendly and men and women of varied skills work out together in harmony.
For those who need instructions on the proper use of the machines and exercises, or for those who just need motivation to work out, Bally has a full compliment of licensed personal trainers who can be hired on an hourly basis.
For those who prefer group exercises, there is variety here as well. Group activities range from step exercises, hip-hop dancing, yoga, Pillates, cardiovascular, weight loss, resistance and toning, all available in beginning, intermediate and advanced sessions.
After a strenuous workout, members can swim laps in the indoor pool, or during the summer months, in the outdoor pool on the roof. Lifeguards are always on duty.
When the weight training has caused sore muscles, a quick, relaxing dip in the 104 degree whirlpool will soothe them.
When quick weight loss is required, a sit in the sauna will sweat off the pounds.
Racquetball players have three courts at their disposal. Members who use calisthenics with medicine balls, Pillates paraphernalia, tension chords, arm weights or any number of different tools to work out, have their special work-out areas upstairs and downstairs.
And there are wall-length mirrors everywhere. The vain and the not-so vain can always see the results of their workouts.
The cardio area has six television screens playing three different cable channels to keep members from becoming bored while working out on the treadmills, ellipticals or stationary bikes.
Modern music with an upbeat tempo is piped throughout the facility to motivate the members.
And for parents who can’t find a babysitter while they’re working out, Bally’s provides a secure, television-monitored toddler area.
After a good workout, members can shower and clean themselves in the locker-provided dressing rooms.
On the way out of the gym, members can buy energy shakes or other diet supplements in Bally’s retail outlet, as well as work-out clothes, gym bags and most anything else needed by the modern athlete.
The establishment is generally clean, especially in light of the many members who use the gym. A friendly janitorial crew is always in attendance, mopping floors, wiping surfaces and picking up the odds and ends left behind every day.
The equipment, although functional, is many decades old. When stations break down, and they do break down with the heavy use that they get, they are generally repaired within a couple of days.
At times, the gym has had a problem retaining lifeguards. This caused early and annoying shut-downs of the aquatic areas..
And yet, this Bally’s location is successful in meeting the work-out needs of its ever-growing membership. Bally is not exclusive. Anyone who can afford the membership fees and who will sign a contract, is welcome to sweat with the other members.
Membership fees vary and promotional deals are always being offered. In the past Bally made the news by staying tough with members who wanted refunds on their memberships. Bally claimed that memberships were purchased by way of contracts and that contracts were meant to be honored by both parties. Can anyone really blame them for wanting their members to stay true to their contractual promises?
The problem with the dissatisfied may, in fact, be more a problem of a lack of discipline in working out and then wanting the membership money back, than it is with anything that Bally offers.
For the residents of Falls Church and the neighboring areas who want a variety of work-out options without the frills offered today by many new and expensive boutique gyms, Bally is all that is required. It is not a country club nor is it a meeting place for socialites. It is a gym with grunting men and women, pushing, pulling, jumping, squatting and sweating to regain their health or to maintain it. It’s a great place to work out.