Review of Mo’nique, F.A.T Chance

Saturday Mo’nique f.a.t chance premiere on the oxygen channel. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a competition of plus size women that compete for the chance to be crown ms f.a.t and a contract with a model agency. This was the second year of this competition and I think it was good, but the end result was a little bit obvious to me.
The ladies
It was a thousand of ladies the applied but only 10 made the final cut. Not 10 that I would pick, but they were special in their own way. These 10 women did different things as lingerie, their own personal style of fashion, horseback riding and more. They each have their own stories of why they need to be ms f.a.t and it was wonderful. They all was plus size to me except one. This one lady that wasn’t plus size to me I believe her name was Tyneisha(not sure). She won obviously because throughout the whole competition she put the women to shame. She was more risky in her outfit selection which got her 10 and 9.5(average). Since the beginning of the show I guess she was going to win and when she did I wasn’t surprise. I believe they could of pick a better 10 women to go for the title but maybe next year.
Mo’nique was just stunning. She was witty and supportive. She gave tips to plus size women in her competition and the world. She switch dresses just like a real star. She was the mo’nique we all gre to love and cherish. She was an excellent hostess and I look forward to the future competition. Hopefully instead of 10 she might consider 20.
The dresses
The dresses the women wore was executed to the T. They captured sexyness, elegantance and beauty. The creator of these dresses should be proud of themselves. They did an excellent job to capture a female style. Most clothes for plus size women are crap but at least now these designer are taking them into consideration.
This pagent shows that women of allshapes and sizes are beautiful. You can no longer ignore plus size women. They are being reveal in a sexy way. Mo’nique f.a.t chance is just the beginning of their movement. Women shouldn’tr be afraid of what they are and this pageant just confirm that. Skinny women beware because ms. f.a.t is right behind you glamorous than ever.