Review of New Febreze Pumpkin Harvest Air Effects Spray

Do not confuse this years 2012 release of Febreze Pumpkin Harvest with last years 2011 fall release of Pumpkin Harvest & Fall. Although the 2 come in similar colored cans, there is a big difference here. Febreze axed the fall, and gave us just Pumpkin Harvest this year, and frankly this was an awesome move on their part!

With that said, let me go over exactly what this new scent entails.

It comes in an orange aluminum can, as all Air Effects sprays do, this one however on closer inspection feature pumpkin drawings that make up the majority of the can.

The Scent:

Last years edition smelled far too spicy, and lacked in the whole pumpkin department. This years rendition is the perfect mix of pumpkin lovers heaven. The scent is that of fresh baking pumpkin pie, with a delicious warm spicy undertone of cinnamon and cream. However the cinnamon scent does not overwhelm the pumpkin, as it did in their last release of Pumpkin Harvest & Fall.

What you get from this sweet number is a perfect slam dunk of pumpkin pie fragrance.

The Last:

Febreze Pumpkin Harvest packs a powerful last, and I was able to detect it for up to a half hour before it fizzled out. What I love about this one though, is that if you spray it in one room, the scent will slowly trickle out of that room into the nearest room. Basically a little goes a long way, and it stays around for quite some time.


Febreze has won me over yet again. I had always been a fan, but since last seasons epic fall fail, I steered away from them.

I am glad they finally managed to do a pumpkin scent right, the freshness that always used to be undertone in their fragrances in the past was nice of course, but it was overdone, and it ruined the authenticity of the fragrance they were trying to replicate. It seems they finally removed that ingredient and delivered nothing but the real deal.

Where To Buy:

It may be a bit early to want to flood your home with fall scents, but if you are a lover of these types of fragrances you will be happy to know that Walmart has released them early. This one is a limited edition, so get them while you can!

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