Review of Popz Microwave Popcorn Bucket

Despite being somewhat busy with our kitchen remodeling, we managed to find time to have a family movie night Saturday night. And, since my oldest daughter wanted popcorn, we finally ended up using the Popz Microwave Popcorn Bucket that was in one of our cupboards.

While the overall concept isn’t new, popcorn that pops in its own bucket, I haven’t been overly impressed with other brands that offer this option and, as a result of that, I was a bit skeptical of this brand. However, this particular brand was only $1 so I figured it was worth giving it a try. As it turns out, I was right.

There were a couple things that really impressed me about this product. The first was the quantity. As I mentioned before, I have used similar products from other brands. One of my biggest complaints of those brands was the lack of popcorn we actually got. That wasn’t the case this time. The popcorn bucket was pretty full and there was enough for the four of us to share with a little leftover.

Another thing that impressed me about this product was the quality. Since it was only $1, I wasn’t expecting the quality to be as good as the more expensive brands. But, I have to say it was better. There were very few un-popped kernels in the bottom of the bucket and the popcorn tasted fresh and fluffy. Plus, it had just the right amount of butter on it, enough to give it a buttery taste without overdoing it.

As a result of this, I have to say I was pleased with this purchase. I’m not sure if it is something I would buy all the time. But, I liked it enough to consider purchasing another one the next time we have a family movie night at our house. If you have an opportunity to try this product, I recommend it.

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