Review of Radiohead’s Com Lag

I am a Radiohead fan…

I have seen them twice in concert, and have spent a decent chunk of money pursuing both Radiohead songs and swag. It should come as no suprise to anyone that knows me to see a post that mentions Radiohead. Though, I have recently not been listening to any Radiohead, which is why I am suprised to find myself writing anything about one of the Best
Bands in the World.

Com Lag is the reason that Radiohead continues to impress. Com Lag is a new EP from the masters of warbling vocals, guitar feedback, and synthesized, philosophical beats. This EP is by no means perfect; it has live tracks, which I am
typically against. However, the album as a whole is a wonderful listen, if you are already into Radiohead.

I highly doubt that this EP will win converts to fandom, but if you subscribe to the post-something musicallity of Radiohead, then it will reaffirm your beliefs.

The first track, a wonderful live rendition of “2+2=5,” is stunningly captured and, thankfully, crowd noise is kept to a minimum two instances (the beginning and end of the song). Thom sings like an evangelical: with fervor and intensity. I don’t know if I always agree with his message, but it is refreshing to see strong beliefs in the days of watered down rhetoric. The second track, “fog (again),” is a tasteful piano piece that showcases Thom’s piano skills. He may not be
as talented as the guy from Muse, but it is pretty. This track, when they originally played it, was entitled “Alligators in the Sewers,” or something of that nature.

I won’t bore you or myself with postulations on the meaning of this track, but I do believe there is one.

Next up, “gagging order.” This track is acoustic… wow… no electronics, no samples, no feedback, not even much fervor. “Gagging order” is a sweet song with some words on addiction and modern living. “A couple more… just to take the edge off.” “Move along, there is nothing left to see… just a body… nothing left to see.”

I am not into a numerical rating system, because I believe music to be so subjective, that numbers just get in the way. Who in their right mind would want to numerically place Radiohead, Mozart, and Phillip Glass. I feel that by expressing my enjoyment, and inviting conversation, I can do much more towards giving a real review. Personal as it may be, more than one person does listen to the music that I listen to, and they may have drastically different opinions on the things that I love. Though, if pressed, I would give this album a 7.5 out of 10.

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