Review of Satya Sai Baba Incense Sticks- Fortune

Fortune happened to be one of the scents included in my 12 count assortment of scents by Satya.
Fortune comes in a lime green colored box, but resembles the distinct look that Nag Champa incense comes in.
In the box, Fortune smelled very similar to the original Nag Champa, only it was a little bit more toned down when it came to the scent.
When lit, Fortune gave off a different scent, yet the potency that Nag Champa gives off is similar, and this is why I love this particular incense company. Potency is always high, and the scent always memorable and enjoyable.
Fortune smells like Nag Champa quite a bit, but it has its own little distinct makers that make it different. Fortune has a more woodsy scent to it, with a sweetness that is on a much higher note that Nag Champa is.
The thing about Fortune however is that it is very easily mistaken for Nag Champa, in fact a few of the different varities are a little too similar. Granted there are sweeter more woody notes, this one is just a little too close to the original.
This however does not make Fortune a bad choice, but if it costs more than Nag Champa in general, I would suggest skipping it. If you can find it for less, than it is worth the buy just to give it a try.
Where To Find:
You can pick up Fortune on ebay or Amazon. A box goes for around $4.00, but it is best to buy a big variety pack where you can get a sample of other scents by Satya.