Review of The Runabout Triple Stroller

Construction- The Runabout Triple Stroller is unbelievably sturdy. First, they’re built by Berg Design one at a time- only 3-4 are built per day- so individual care is taken with each one by highly qualified designers (the designers spent a total of 49 years at G.M.). Each Runabout offers a light steel- welded frame.
Space Efficiency- Runabouts are only two feet wide. Unlike other triple strollers, the Runabout fits on sidewalks and through doors (in other words, it doesn’t have to be broken down to walk through a mall). In addition, the wheels and seats come off, so it can fit inside larger cars (it’s about 56 inches long when broken down). Further, Berg sells a Hitch Carrier for the back of the car, but my wife and I were able to fit ours on a cheap bike rack (make sure you test this out before purchasing, not all bike racks are capable of holding a Runabout).
Adaptability- The Runabout is so well- crafted that it can travel rather easily on almost any surface. We’d taken ours over sandy beaches, mountain trails, and rock driveways without a hitch. It simply glides. Further, there is no better jogging stroller. Take your kids for a run on your favorite boardwalk or track. They’ll love it!
Runabouts are also flexible enough to meet your family’s changing needs. As one child outgrows the stroller, simply take a seat off of your triple and voila- you have a double!
Safety- The seats have 5- point shoulder harnesses and lap belts. For those pushing- us parents- it offers a hand brake and a safety cord that can be fastened to your wrist (in case the Runabout begins to get away from you somehow). Don’t buy one without the puncture resistant tires (it’s an accessory that costs more, but it’s worth it). We never had one true tire problem in over two years.
Comfort- The stadium seating keeps your children from having someone right next to them (so it limits a child’s ability to grab at their sister or brother). In addition, the seats can be adjusted (they recline). A sun canopy, side panels, and rain shield can be purchased as accessories, as can a basket to hold bottles, towels, toys, and such. Seats that allow for special needs, infants, and overall cushioned comfort can also be purchased as accessories (though we got none of that and were still pleased).
Where to Purchase – Either Ebay or Berg Design-
The Runabout Triple Stroller is a great product. My wife and I have rarely purchased anything that we were more pleased with. So, if you’re looking for a multiple jogging baby stroller, you can’t go wrong with a Runabout.