Review of the Ionic Breeze Silent Air Purifier by Sharper Image

The name of the machine definitely holds true. It does operate virtually silent. Each stand alone unit cleans about 350 square feet of air, so to purify your whole home you would probably have to go into debt considering each unit’s cost is $300-$350. However, I am satisfied with the machine overall. It does appear to make the air seem more fresh and clean. There is definitely a difference in quality even 20 minutes after the Ionic Breeze is turned on.
A lot of consumers, however, are passing up Sharper Image’s Ionic Breeze these days over the heated debate of ozone emission. Let me assure you from someone who is big on researching my purchases. The ozone that this machine puts out is negligible. Plus, ozone is heavier than air so high concentrations at head height (where you breathe) is almost impossible. The amount the machine does emit falls well below the EPA TLV-TWA (threshold limit value-time weighted average) even if you were standing right next to it all day. However, for those of you still concerned about ozone, the Ionic Breeze comes with a removable front grill attachment with something they are calling OzoneGuard. Basically, the grill attachment has some sort of coating on it that instantly changes ozone molecules into oxygen on contact. So, no more worries!
My only complaint about the machine other than the fact that it is fairly pricey, is that I noticed when I ran the machine that it also “sucked” up good smells given off by my perfume and my gourmet candles. So, when you want guests to smell a pretty scent, it is best to leave the machine off because they definitely won’t unless they stick their nose right in it. However, I am sure that is the case with every high-quality air purifier, so it is just something the owner has to deal with.
Lastly, one of the best features of the Ionic Breeze is that while it is expensive to purchase, it is very cheap to own. The machine uses very little electricity. Better yet, there are no filters to buy! The dirt is actually captured on a metal grid that simply needs to be rinsed off and cleaned when it is dirty. I was extremely surprised at how dirty mine was after just a week of use! Yuk! The dirt I removed from the grid was enough to make me a believer and it will do the same for you!