Review of the Pasta Pronta Pasta Cooker

I am a sucker for gadgets, especially those geared towards the kitchen and that make my life easier. That’s probably why I end up buying a number of those “must have” products they advertise during the wee hours of the night.

Not long ago I ordered the Pasta Pronta, a product which is designed to cook your pasta “just right”. It also cooks veggies, sausages, eggs, beans and other foods, though I am somewhat squeamish about the idea of attempting to cook an egg in it yet.

The Pasta Pronta consists of two large cylinders, one taller and one shorter and two accompanying tops/lids. It’s very simple to use. All I had to do was add boiling water, put on the heat seal lids and wait for the pasta to cook. It took 10-17 minutes tops. Once my pasta was done, there was a built-in strainer to help drain the water out. They also sent a pad that allowed me to grip the Pasta Pronta, without burning my hand.

Things actually turned out very well, a relief since I have been known, via regular cooking methods, to overcook pasta. The Pasta Pronta cooked my spaghetti perfectly and it was definitely a big time-saver. I have cooked spaghetti, macaroni and spiral noodles with this, thus far, and all came out good. It makes it very easy to prepare a quick meal.

Fortunately, this product takes up very little space and is very easy to clean and store. It’s extremely lightweight, so no big, bulky monster to take out when I want to use it. I am all for “low maintenance” cooking, which the Pasta Pronta allows me to do. .

An instruction booklet and a recipe book were included as an added bonus when I ordered it.

Since I bought it from the television commercial, it cost $19.95, plus shipping and handling.. Although I have enjoyed this product as it stands now, and appreciate its convenience, I actually discovered AFTER I received mine that I could have purchased the Pasta Pronta online at a cheaper price. had it for $17.95 and had it for just $14.95. I’m sure there are some other places where I could have found it for even less than that. Sure wish I had researched further and saved myself some extra bucks, but …

C’est la vie!

I can only go on my own personal experience with this product, but, thus far, I have been pleased with it. Before I can give it my full and rowdy endorsement, however, I will have to try cooking other dishes in it, which I will do, once the weather cools down and I feel like doing some experimenting. Once I do, I will probably return with a second review of the Pasta Pronta, to confirm whether or not it lives up to ALL of its claims.

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