Ritalin: Is it Good for Children?

The use of Ritalin to treat the symptoms of ADHD simply gets rid of vitality, curiosity, imagination, and sociability, which are all higher forms of mental functions and replaces them with narrowly, focused obsessive behavior. In other words, Ritalin helps you focus in a narrow way, turning you into a robot. Yes, a robot. That is what Ritalin is doing to children across the country. We as a society need to ask the question, what will happen with these children when they become adults. Will they even be able to function normally in society or will they need drugs just to cope with everyday life. What happens if they can’t get their drug? Will they become violent and basically become a menace in society.
Some might say if we don’t prescribe the drug then the child can or will do harm to themselves or others but that is a ploy of the manufacture and some doctors to purchase this drug. And there is no evidence of that because there are many adults who suffer from ADHD are not on Ritalin, yet live normal lives. How do we know? Because ADHD is a newly discovered condition and if children nowadays are suffering from it, then children twenty, thirty, forty years ago had to be suffering from the same condition or symptoms. There are many other alternative approaches in dealing with a child who is suffering from restless, disorganization, impulsive, and the inability to focus or concentrate. I know a friend who was told her son suffered from ADHD. I have known this friend to lack seriously in disciplining her son and because of this lack of discipline the son is disobedient around her. However, around others he’s fine.
For other children with ADHD therapy can be applied and can be successful when treating ADHD. What I’m suggesting is that there has to be other alternatives than to prescribe a potent drug to a child practically making them a robot. Perhaps, more studies need to be done about ADHD and that will allow more understanding of the condition. And therefore, other alternative methods can be used to effectively deal with the situation. A drug nearly identical to cocaine cannot be the best way to deal with any condition, especially when it comes to children.