Rodapova: Andy Roddick and Maria Sharapova ARE the Next Big Thing

You heard it here first people: Rodapova. Right it down; it’s got a ring to it. Say it, “Rodapova.” You see what I mean. Rodapova. Tell your friends about it. When the rest of the world catches up via Entertainment Tonight and Extra! In about three weeks, you can’t thank your pal Jetlag Democracy for filling you in. Rodapova.
So, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of Rodapova, Andy Roddick and Maria Sharapova. They are, without a doubt, the most beautiful tennis stars on the earth. I’m talking about style points. In this day and age, winning means very little. You can lose now and again; you can even lose more than you win, as long as you look good doing it. It’s all about endorsement deals anyway (you think they make any money winning Wimbledon?). And nobody loses with more flair than this pair. Watch these two starlets bow out in the semi-finals of this year’s U.S. Open, but watch them closely. Watch them do it with style. Look for the twinkle in their eye; it’s there all right. They’ve got It.
So you say you don’t know what It is. Well, that’s okay. You don’t need to know what It is to feel it in your loins, deep and tingly, in your loins. Celebrity couples create more It-Buzz than any other It-creating Device on the planet. And hot young sexy, It-Tennis Couples! Holy shit, don’t get me started. Just thinking about it gets me worked up.
Rumor has it that Andy and Maria met at a little Bistro on 7th Avenue, last February on break from the rigors of The Tour. Andy was there with his pal Michael Chang and Maria Sharapova, well, Maria Sharapova was their alone, being mysterious, as she so often is. Their eyes met across a smoky haze and the smell of fresh crumpets was strong in the air. Was it love at first sight? Oh, I don’t know, who’s to say. But something was born that day; something that will never die.
A love like this is hard to come by. It might not come along but once in a lifetime. “What can I do,” you ask, now that that the atmosphere is full of that Rodapova aroma, a fancy, periwinkle scent. Nothing. Be yourself. Search the Internet for more pictures of this Awesome New It-Couple, and rejoice. Fore today is brighter than yesterday and tomorrow is undoubtedly in the future.