Romance in Interior Decorating

The first room we start in, isn’t a room at all, but the entry way to your home. Think about what your lover may see as they come to your door. Is there a clear path, free from obstruction for them to come down? Is the yard nice and tidy, any tools or toys stowed safely away? Also check the door itself. If it has trouble opening, then how are you to allow romance in? That also applies to the bedroom door as well. For an unobtrusive romance element, try adding a wind chime that has some colors of pink, perhaps of rose quartz or glass.
Inside the house, there are a few overall tips that apply to any and all rooms, then we’ll get down to specifics. First off, if you are recovering from a previous relationship, get rid of the memoirs. That’s not feng shui, that’s just common sense, since you might find yourself under question of who the person was in the picture on your arm. The feng shui aspect of it is that it still holds their energy and influence in your house, and that is something you want cleaned out completely before pursuing your next relationship. If you are looking for a permanent relationship, you wish to make them feel welcome, so allow them to see that you have the space to fit you in, in both your home and your life. Allow for a free flow of chi in your home. Clutter is bad, as is too much furniture in the house. For knick knacks and accessories, pair them up with similar items, pink candles, rose quartz, maybe a red or black element here or there to help regular the flow of chi throughout the house. Also, clear crystals in the windows allow more positive chi to flow in.
For the living room, a dash of pink here and there can really set the mood, even the shade peach helps. Candles always help with atmosphere, and perhaps a small flower arrangement of peach or pink colored flowers can help. I fully realize and appreciate the fact that not everyone enjoys the color pink, but it is the color that is most receptive to the flow of love energy. Having the furniture in a vaguely circular pattern will allow the energy to flow naturally around the room as well.
In the kitchen, again the idea is the keep it as clutter free as possible. Make sure all visible cooking implements are as clean and shiny as possible. You want to emphasize order in your kitchen, for order in your life, so everything needs to be prim and proper. Pink tinted towels or plates might serve well here.
Finally we come to the bedroom, which is obviously going to be a hot spot of love chi. Pinks or purple shades can add elements of happiness to the room, and red for luck. Think about adding red candles here and there, and also make sure that you are prepared in case you are spending quite a bit of time in here, with a full supply of toys, syrups, ropes, or whatever else your heart desires (to do or be done to you). It is recommended to not hang large mirrors within sight of the bed, as this provides the impression that someone is looking on. I am not sure if all feng shui practitioners consider the absolute fun that can be had with a mirror on, say, the ceiling, but that might not be something you want to spring on your partner right at the beginning of the relationship.
There are just a few general tips to allow more love energy into your home, and there are plenty of ways you can experiment with different furniture arrangements, use it as an excuse to repaint the rooms, find all kinds of interesting objects to use for conversation pieces and interior decorating, even to splurge on some paintings. Just make sure there are elements of two in the pictures, to help out more, or even a phoenix, which is often used in elements for a successful and long relationship.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design