Roof Repair

Several factors come into play regarding the need for roof repair. Lack of routine upkeep and maintenance of the roof and damage from or exposure to the elements are the most predominant causes of roof damage. Other possible reasons for roof repair include poor initial construction of the roof or specific roofing elements, poor roof design, failure of certain roof elements to function properly and improper repair to a previously damaged roof.

Major roof repair is best done by a professional, in most cases. A roofing contractor or the roofing manufacturer are trained to make repairs and are familiar with most problems that arise causing a need for roof repair. Inexperienced homeowners or others attempting to make a major roof repair could be injured, could further damage the roof or could cause more serious problems than if a professional is called upon to perform the roof repair.

All roofs and their component materials deteriorate over time from exposure to rain, snow, wind, flying debris and even the sun. It is important to maintain a regular schedule of roof inspection and minor roof repair in order to avoid the need for major roof repairs or emergency roof repairs in a time of severe weather or other emergency situations. Proactive maintenance is the best prevention of more severe roof repair problems in the future.

Routine inspection and maintenance of a roof is the best way to ensure a long roof life, proper functioning of the roof and minimal need for major roof repair. Check that all shingles are still firmly fastened to the roof after a high wind or severe storm. Inspect the flashings around the chimney, exhaust pipes and at connections between sections of the roof. Roof repair of flashings and shingles can be done fairly easily as long as the proper materials are used. Properly reattaching the flashings can prevent water from seeping under the membrane, which can cause leaks and lead to other situations that will require professional roof repair.

Emergency roof repair should be performed only if it can be done safely and should be done as simply as possible. Roof repairs should never be done during an electrical storm or high winds, however. Roof repairs required because of leaks should be made immediately, if at all possible. After the temporary measure is taken, a professional should be contacted to perform a permanent roof repair.

If a roof is leaking, it is crucial to protect the interior of the house or building. It may be difficult to locate the source of the leak and in that case a professional will be needed to make the roof repair, and buckets or pans can be placed to collect the water in the meantime. A professional has the knowledge to locate the probable source of the leak and then perform the necessary roof repair to correct the problem.

A simple roof repair that can be done when the roof is leaking is to check drains and roof scuppers for excess water. Be sure they are open and functioning properly. Water backed up in clogged drains or scuppers can cause ponding on the roof and extreme ponding may even cause roof collapse. Excessive care should be used when clearing debris from drains. Suction can be created by the draining water and a hand or tools can be sucked into the drain.

Emergency roof repair can be done using several methods and types of supplies. Duct tape can be used to make a temporary patch to roofing membrane. The surface of the membrane must be clean and dry in order for the duct tape to stick. Flashings that have come loose can be reattached using a sealant. These types of roof repair may be done by a homeowner as long as they follow manufacturer instructions. After the temporary repairs are done, a professional should make a permanent roof repair.

Damage to roofs caused by storm and wind damage can include scattered and displaced ballast on ballasted roof systems. If the ballast is scattered it could leave areas of bare roofing membrane, a situation that requires immediate roof repair. The membrane should be checked for tears or open seams and should be temporarily repaired. Sandbags or concrete blocks can be used as temporary ballast for large areas where the membrane is exposed.

Another common reason for roof repair is that rooftop equipment, supports, braces or signs are improperly installed. Roof repair may be needed if any of these items have been installed directly onto the roof membrane. Leaks around the base of these objects are impossible to repair and the entire section of the roof will need to be cut out and replaced, since roof repair of the contained area may not be possible. Only professionals should install items on a rooftop. Lack of proper placement and installation will usually result in the need for future major roof repair.

Improper initial design of a roof may result in a need for extensive and costly roof repair. Using materials that are incompatible, building a roof structure that deflects under an excessive load and not allowing for expansion and contraction in deck materials can all cause damage to roofs, and require extensive roof repair once discovered. If these design flaws are not realized during routine or other roof repair, major emergency roof repair may be needed.

When in doubt, call a professional!

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