Room Darkening Shades Save Money & the Environment

Summer was approaching when I placed my order with I could already feel the heat seeping through the old windows in the room I was decorating for my daughter. Despite a fresh coat of paint and recently shampooed carpets, the air had a musty smell that could only have come from the draughty windows. Since replacing the windows was way beyond my budget, I had decided that the best thing I could do would be to cover them up – and fast!
The cellular shades I selected were advertised as having exceptional room-darkening qualities. I had high hopes that they would be effective since my daughter started waking up with the roosters the minute daylight savings time went into effect. Still, I wasn’t feeling all that optimistic. I also found the company’s claim that double-celled shades would actually reduce my home’s energy consumption highly improbable. Hoping for the best but expecting very little, I hung the new window treatments as soon as they arrived.
I was immediately pleased by the color and texture; they were a perfect complement to my daughter’s carpet and walls. My new cellular shades were also easy to install, just as had promised. When she slept until 8 a.m. the next morning, giving me a much-needed chance to sleep past dawn, I knew I couln’t hope for anything more.
Imagine my surprise when I noticed her formerly humid room staying crisp and cool when I turned on our air conditioning a couple of weeks later! While it would be difficult to judge actual savings based on having cellular shades in only one room, it was even more obvious that they were indeed energy efficient blinds when the winter weather took hold. For the first time, the wind wasn’t howling through my daughter’s windows.
Now that I’ve seen the benefits of double-celled shades, I plan to begin replacing all of the window treatments in my home with these room-darkening, energy (and money) saving, earth-friendly blinds. I really can’t afford to do anything else.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design