Rose Family Funeral Home – Simi Valley

In my business, I talk to funeral homes on a daily basis. I write obituaries for the local newspaper, and as part of my job, I correspond on a regular basis with almost every mortuary in Ventura County. In my time in this department I have learned a great deal about the funeral homes in this area and the directors that work at them; I have learned which ones are honest, which ones are polite, which ones are organized, and which ones are reliable.

I have also seen which funeral home directors will lie though their teeth to avoid admitting they made a mistake. I have seen which ones have problems with time management and then try to push things off on me at the last minute. I have also found, through discussing with customers, which funeral homes overcharge customers in various ways.

Because of this, when my husband’s grandmother died, I immediately told my family that there were some funeral homes worth checking out and others that we should definitely avoid. First and foremost I called one of my favorite directors to work with, Eric at Rose Family Funeral Home. Eric gave me some price information and told me everything that it includes, and then I called some of the other funeral homes I have grown to trust. Through this I found out that, not only is Rose Family the most pleasant to work with, they are also the cheapest by far in Ventura County.

In our experience with my husband’s grandmother, my in-laws were so appreciative of how they were treated by the people at Rose Family. They helped process the paperwork and are willing to come to your home to discuss arrangements. They helped find an organization that would be able to spread the ashes where her husband had been spread in Northern California and they took care of all the arrangements with that organization. They ran a free death notice right away; our family didn’t even have to request it. They were polite, efficient, understanding, and sensitive to our needs and feelings in a time when it really mattered.

In my experience with Rose Family Funeral Home, both as my customer and as a customer of theirs, I have grown to expect nothing but the most professional, polite, and personal service, and I have never been disappointed. Whether you are considering cremation or burial, I highly recommend Rose Family Funeral Home for the best service and prices.

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