Rubber Jar Openers Make Jar Opening Easy for Everyone

Not only is the rubber gripper jar opener a great purchase for the average housewife, but it works great for people that have arthritis or limited use of hands due to carpal tunnel. They can be found anywhere small kitchen devices such as manual can openers and sink drain plugs can be found. You can also purchase them for very little on the internet and at discount stores.
More than once I have been in the middle of cooking a meal, and when it comes time to open a jar of something I need to go into the meal, my husband wouldn’t be home and I couldn’t just put off finishing cooking until he got there. The rubber gripper jar opener has saved me more than once.
These floppy, rubber discs save both time and energy. One side is semi-textured; the side you put against the jar lid is more heavily textured. They will open any jar with barely any effort. No need to bang the side of the jar on the counter or beat on the bottom to force the lid seal to pop. I could actually open jars with one broken wrist in bandages.
Despite the flimsy design of these jar openers, and the fact that they are so cheap – they don’t wear out easily. My mother still has some she’s had since I was a child. These rubber grippers can be used by anyone, too. Children can open a new jar of pickles as easily as an adult.
These jar openers have other uses beyond just opening stubborn jar lids. They can serve as a nonskid surface for sitting a bowl on while mixing, or to keep your cutting board from sliding across the counter as you cut. The rubber gripper jar opener is a must for anyone that has a slick kitchen counter like Corian or laminate and has a hard time opening jars, too.
In addition to helping around your kitchen, there are numerous websites you can use to buy them in bulk with your company logo and phone number printed on them for below wholesale price. What better way to promote your business than to give people an inexpensive gadget that works and works well for years.
The rubber jar opener is tear resistant and when the gripper side loses its tacky feel and doesn’t adhere to jar lids as well, you wash it with a little dish detergent and let it dry. The rubber gripper jar opener will be restored to new condition. Rubber gripper jar openers usually come in bright colors, so that they can be found in any drawer in your kitchen easily. They retail for about $6 for a set of 3. Some stores sell them individually for about $2 each.