Runescape: A Guide to Ernest the Chicken, a Free to Play Quest

This is one of the best quests on free to play. It takes place at the Draynor manor where you will find a young girl named Veronica pacing outside of the gates. You will need to talk to her to start this quest. She will tell you that she is very worried. She is lost and all alone now that her boyfriend Ernest has left her to go into the spooky manor to ask for directions. She has waited for him for over an hour and he’s still hasn’t come out yet. You will tell her that you will help her by going in to find Ernest. Now you have started the quest. Go inside the house through the front doors and head up the stairs. Keep going all the way to the top floor of the house and you should find a Professor, his name is Oddenstein. Talk to him to ask about Veronica’s Ernest. The Professor will admit that he has seen Ernest and that he is now a chicken!

The Professor’s machine changed him into a chicken and then broke so he needs to fix it before he can try to change the chicken back into a man. You will need to gather three things in order to fix the machine, one oil can, a rubber tube and a pressure gauge. Go back down the stairs and get yourself to the basement of the Manor.

Now that you are here you will find that there are lever’s on the wall you are in a mini maze. You will need to beat this maze in order to get to the oil can. This is how you solve the puzzle. First pull A and B then open the northeast door. Now that you are inside you want to pull the D lever and open up the southwest door. Now open the door to your south. Now pull the lever’s A and B one more time. Open the door to the northwest then open the west door and then the north door. Now you will need to pull F and E then open the east door then the next east door. Now you will need to pull the C lever and open the northwest door and then the west door. Lastly you will need to pull the E lever. Now open the East doorway, then the south doorway then the next south doorway. Now you can open the west door way and grab that oil can!

Next we want to go back up to the ground floor and find a spade in the room on the east side of the house. Exit out the door in that room and go around to the other side of the house. You are looking for a pile of compost to dig up a key. When you find the compost pile you will want to use your spade on the pile until you see a key in your inventory. Now head back to the house and open the closet that has a skeleton inside. Pick up the rubber tube as fast as you can and exit the closet before the skeleton kills you.

Now for the last item on your list the pressure gauge. You will need to head upstairs to the second floor and go to the room that is south of the stairs. You are looking for a box of fish food. Once you find it you will want to click on it to pick it up and head back downstairs. Now you need to go to the room on the west side of the house and pick up a bottle of poison. Use the fish food with the poison and go outside of the house through the east room doorway. You cannot exit the manor through the front doors. Head to the southwest section of the front lawn of the Manor just make sure you stay within the Manor’s fence. You will find a fountain that has fish in it. You need to use the poisoned fish food on the fountain wait for the fish to eat the food and then search the fountain. You should find your Pressure gauge.
Now you need to go back to the top floor of the house to give Professor Oddenstein all of the items. He will fix his machine and change Ernest back to a man. Ernest will thank you and you have now completed this quest. You will receive 300 gold coins and four quest points.

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