Rust-Oleum LeakSeal Review

I found a product made by Rust-Oleum that conquered my travel trailer problem quickly–Rust-Oleum LeakSeal. Two years ago, I wrote a review on Henry’s 587 Roof Coating , and found that, after 6000 miles of travel, some cracks appeared in the coating. Rust-Oleum LeakSeal is a flexible rubber coating that comes in a spray-paint can and sealed the cracks in my roof coating in two coats. You have probably seen the advertisement on TV about a product that patches leaky garden hoses, eave gutters, water pipes, etc. This product from Rust-Oleum is all of that and more.

When I discovered leaks in my travel trailer, I inspected the roof. I discovered small cracks in the roof coating, that could only be caused by the vibration of the 6000 miles I’ve traveled since I coated the roof. I went to Wal Mart, looking for a solution to the problem and found Rust-Oleum Leak Seal. The price was around seven dollars a can, and I bought three cans because I didn’t know the coverage of one can. The instructions said to apply two coats with two hours between coats.

It had been raining, and the surface was damp. I applied the two coats. It adhered to the damp surface, and the leaks were gone. I went back to Wal Mart and bought three more cans for future problems. I would recommend Rust-Oleum LeakSeal to anyone with leaks of any kind, because I’ve also used it on a water hose that I attach to my travel trailer for fresh water.

The company states that LeakSeal prevents moisture penetration, corrosion and rust. Although I have not painted it, the company states that the finish is paintable.

This product can cause skin irritation from prolonged contact. The company also warns against inhaling the mist. It recommends that you only use it in well-ventilated areas. After using this product, I recommend using eye protection and gloves.

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