SA8 Solutions PreWash

This stain remover was introduced to me when my daughter was a baby and she was as messy as a child could get. I was concerned about the state of her clothes. As a new mother I would be so embarrassed by the stains on her clothes. No matter how I washed, pre-treated, soaked or scrubbed I just couldn’t get the stains out. Then I found SA8 PreWash. I was skeptical at first. I tried it first on the messy bibs. Miraculously they came out clean from the washer! No new stains were left and all the new bibs came out like new. I continue to use this product today and my daughter is in grade school.
The major setback is the price. It is around $8-9 a can. The other setback is it is an Amway product and not readily available at your local discount store. But I cannot find a comparable product and I will buy two cans at a time so I do not run out. Luckily I do not use as much now but I find I just cannot live without it. It removes almost every stain I throw at it including chocolate and barbecue sauce. Sometimes I find some stains need treated twice so I make sure to check the item before throwing it into the dryer but this happens infrequently. For some this product may be not ecological sound since it contains a petroleum distillate which is a controversial base for some cleaners. It does not contain phosphates or CFC (chlorofluorocarbons).
It can be used for other items as well. I found that it will remove regular crayon marks from most surfaces and will shine up leather athletic shoes by spraying on and immediately wiping clean. I even used it on carpet and upholstery but in small amounts because the item treated really needs to be rinsed out well.
Although it is a more pricey stain removing product, SA8 PreWash Spray Spot Treatment is really worth it in the long run. It will save on clothing costs for you and your family and that favorite shirt of yours won’t be ruined by a little spilt coffee.
Disclaimer: I am not an Amway distributor. I just love this product.