STFree: Jumping in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

STFree is the biggest breakthrough in the battle against HIV/AIDS in years. Created by an ex-porn star from New York City, it allows you to track the sexual history of your potential partner simply by entering their membership number via telephone. Sounds complicated and confusing, huh? Well it’s not. Here’s how it works:

When each member signs up with STFree, he/she must immediately take an HIV test. Once the results come back, they submit the official result documents (or any other solid proof) to STFree. But it doesn’t stop there. Even if a member tests “negative” the first time, it’s mandatory that they test and report the results at least two times a year – every six months – in order to keep their membership in good standing.

STFree supplies each customer with a card, which includes their most recent photo and account number on the back. If their sexual partner wants to inquire about their HIV/AIDS status before intercourse (or vice versa), all of the info they need is one phone call away. Once the special STFree number is dialed, and membership number is entered, the most recent test results will pop right up. Simple enough, right?

Although this product is fairly new, it’s already become very popular. More people are joining everyday – nearly 10,000 to date. But despite its promising success, there are consumers who are skeptical of STFree‘s system. There are serious concerns about privacy – some are concerned that once information on a particular member is located, it can be displayed in public venues (such as the Internet). But there’s really nothing to worry about. Memberships can be cancelled, so if a member receives a “positive” result and decides they no longer want to be with STFree, their name and information will be removed – no questions asked.

HIV/AIDS has plagued America, especially the African-American community, for many years. There are now over 900,000 Americans affected by this disease, half of which don’t even know it. The virus breaks down the immune system and leaves it open to infection by many other illnesses. Its claimed over 38 million lives worldwide – and counting.

This new system is indeed a breakthrough and safeguard for all those who are not infected with the virus, but don’t get too comfortable. Just because someone’s STFree records are clean, doesn’t guarantee that they’re clean. HIV/AIDS has been known to take months, even years, to fully develop. So no matter what you do, what membership card your partner presents, or what they tell you, ALWAYS use protection. But STFree is a great start.

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