Safe, Natural Remedies to Ease Morning Sickness

Try the natural remedy, Ipecacuanhatural, if you have the following symptoms:
– Persistent, severe morning sickness followed by empty belching and gagging but actually have trouble vomiting.
– Very anxious when nauseated
– Eating, smelling food or smoke makes you nauseous
– No thirst or appetite
– Headache then nausea
– Tongue is very clean
– Pale with dark circles under your eyes
– Very sweaty and sensitive to hot and cold
Try Nux Vomica if you have the following symptoms:
– Persistent, severe morning sickness followed by empty belching and gagging but actually have trouble vomiting.
– Nausea is worse in the morning, after eating, or the smell of smoke
– You hate and feel worse when you are cold
– Very irritable and impatient
Try Pulsatilla if you suffer these symptoms:
– Morning sickness is worse in the evening and results in vomiting.
– Can’t stand hot, rich, or fattening foods
– You get sick when in a hot room and feel better after a cold drink
– Not thirsty
– Feel miserable and very emotional
– You crave a lot of sympathy
Try Sepia if suffering from these symptoms:
– Nausea that comes and goes is worse in the morning or when you eat dairy products.
– Vomiting comes easy
– You have an empty feeling in your stomach
– You feel even more nauseated when you think of food
– Headaches after feelings of nausea
– Feel cold and tired but better after some sort of physical activity
– You feel uninterested, droopy, and depressed, wanting to be alone
For either natural remedy take 30C potency twice a day for 3 days and stop taking after symptoms go away.
Other safe natural remedies to ease morning sickness include trying some ginger tea or capsules for nausea relief, if you can stand the taste. Mix one teaspoon in one cup of boiling water, let it cool, and sip it throughout the day. Don’t drink more than two cups a day. If ginger makes you nauseous, try some dandelion. Take 4 to 6 tablespoons of dried root in one quart of boiling water and steep for four hours. Strain, let it cool, and drink slowly throughout the day. Don’t drink more than two cups. You can also increase your intake of complex carbs to help ease morning sickness.