Safe Sex – Your Life Means More Than a Night of Unprotected Intercourse

HIV is a major concern with oral sex. There are still conflicting reports. However, no clear cut case has been reported when the person had been the RECEIVER. There are reports of infection if you are the GIVER. If your mouth is in healthy condition, the possibility is very small, however. There appears to be an inhibitory factor in saliva against the HIV virus. This may be the reason for the low transmission rate of the disease through oral sex.

Oral sex is considered to be much less risky than anal sex. There are ways to make it safer. You can choose to use a condom. Avoid getting cum in your mouth. By not brushing or flossing your teeth just before oral sex, you can reduce the risk of bleeding. Avoid vigorous penis probing in back of your throat. You can make rimming safer by using a dental dam, saran wrap, or another barrier. It’s your choice.

Safe Sex Rules:
1. Don’t have sex with a stranger.
2. Always use protection if you cannot make sure that your sexual encounter is safe.
3. Condom can reduce the chance of getting infection.
4. Always have sex with the same partner.
5. Don’t have sex with some ones who have irritation or suspicious infection in the genitals, anus and mouth.

If you are going out and feel that you may spend the night somewhere with a lover, take a small cosmetic or fanny pack with condoms, lubricant packets, toothbrush, toothpaste, and anything else you might need. All of these items come in small sizes or individual packages. This way you will always BE PREPARED. Please remember that sexually transmitted diseases are everywhere. Just because you are on vacation, don’t mean you leave your common sense at home.

HIV is a major concern with oral sex. There are still conflicting reports. However, no clear cut case has been reported when the person had been the RECEIVER. There are reports of infection if you are the GIVER. If your mouth is in healthy condition, the possibility is very small, however. There appears to be an inhibitory factor in saliva against the HIV virus. This may be the reason for the low transmission rate of the disease through oral sex.

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