Safety Tips for Teaching Children to Fish

First you need to purchase a fishing rod that is especially made for children. You can find this type of rod at any walmart, target, or fishing supply store. The great thing about fishing equipment for kids is that they usually have little fishing kits that are made especially for them. They can even choose between their favorite characters, such as Mickey Mouse or Barbie. Most fishing kits for kids come with the fishing box as well.
After purchasing the pole the next thing that you will need to do is introduce your child to bait for the first time. For boys this is usually a lot of fun, but when it comes to girls they are usually a lot more picky about touching little fish or worms. If you are attempting to introduce your daughter to fishing you may want to try using artificial bait first.
Prior to placing the hook on your pole you will want to first teach your child the proper way to care for a fishing pole. have them practice casting their pole without the hook at home first. You will want to make sure you stress the importance of making sure no one is around them when they are ready to cast out. Stress to them that the hook can be very dangerous and if they are not careful someone can get hurt. Once they understand this it will be easier for them to grasp the entire fishing concept. Before you know it your four year old will be able to fish like a pro.
You may also want to look into fishing contests that are hold locally in your own town. Many towns have a yearly fishing derby. This allows young children the opportunity to fish with other kids their age, and participate in other types of fishing games and activities. Fishing is a great way to spend time with your family and talk. As they grow older you will of course have to get a larger pole. They will also let you know when they are ready for more advanced bait and lures.
One final tip is to make sure that your child wears a safety vest when fishing. It is always a possibility of a young child falling in the water. Never take a chance when it comes to your children, make sure you take all of the safety precautions that are necessary to keep you child safe. Also remember to keep it fun. If you make it more like work they will not like it. If you have fun teaching them, they will have fun learning