Safety Tips for Visiting Cape Town

Cape Town, South Africa is a relatively safe place for visitors, but it is a major city so the normal big city dangers can present themselves. Almost all people will have a flawless visit, but there are a few things you should keep in mind so that you have no issues. These are all basic and you can easily implement them on your visit.

Safely Using ATMs

Just like in your home country, you want to be aware of your surroundings when using an ATM. Try not to use them at night and just pay attention when you are pulling out your card and completing your transaction. If someone tries to offer you assistance, immediately cancel the transaction and walk away. You also want to not pull out large amounts of money at one time so you do not draw attention to yourself.

Do Not Give Money to Beggars

You may find child begging at stop streets and traffic lights. It can pull at your heart strings a bit, but refrain from pulling out money and giving them any. This is often used for drugs and will show people that you have money. You also want to keep your purse or wallet on your person at all times and avoid wearing too much jewelry so that people do not see you are overly wealthy.

Get to Know the City

Visit a good Cape Town website and get to know about the city before going there. You will find that the city is policed very well and that it is safe. However, it is important to know things like where police stations are located and where other important things, such as the embassy for your country and hospitals are located just in case you need some assistance when you are there.

Be Careful in Crowded Areas

When you are in a crowded area, you want to be mindful of pickpockets. Do not keep money or other valuables in your pockets. Carry things like money and your passport in your shoes so that no one can get to it. Just like all major cities, you should also be careful in areas that are poorly lit.

Avoid the Townships

Unless you are on a guided tour, you should avoid going to any of the townships. Stay in the city of Cape Town and do not stop your vehicle in or near any of the townships. These are not as good when it comes to policing and they do not have the same security as the actual city of Cape Town.

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