Safety Tips for Women Traveling Alone

Women are constantly the target for many violent crimes. This is an extremely unfortunate event that claims the lives of thousands of women each year. Men will often target women because they are often judged inferior and sometimes unable to fight back. Whether you are in your own neighborhood or traveling to an unknown area, there are many safety tips that you can follow to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of a violent crime.

When you are driving your vehicle it is recommended that you always keep your doors locked at all times, especially if you are in an area that you are unfamiliar with. It is also recommended that if you must roll your windows down, make sure someone will be unable to stick their hands or arms into your car. Those two tips should help prevent someone from trying to hijack your car or possibly harm you.

When you are traveling, you should always make sure that your car has no less than a half a tank of gasoline. Not keeping track of the amount of gas left in your vehicle could leave you in a potential dangerous situation. When driving, you should always carry a cellular phone in case of a breakdown or another emergency. It is also recommended that all women consider purchasing Triple A. For this program you will generally pay a yearly fee; however, you will receive tow truck and other car assistance when needed. If you have the AAA service it reduces the risk of you having to ask a stranger passing by for assistance.

When you are walking it is advisable not to bring attention to yourself. If you are able to leave your purse at home or in another secure location, it is recommended that you do so. All women should avoid walking down alleys or dark streets. Although many people consider public parks safe, they often times become a “hot spot” for illegal activity at night. When you are walking alone, your attention should always be focused on your surroundings. If you notice an individual following you or making you feel uncomfortable, you should get to a well populated public place as soon as possible.

When you are traveling out of town or are taking a vacation, you should never broadcast the fact that you are a visitor. Many criminals will specifically target tourists because they are sometimes more trusting or unaware of their surroundings. Never give out your hotel information, especially your room number. If you have to ask directions or questions about a specific event it is recommended that you ask an employee your hotel or an employee of another business.

Before you prepare for a vacation, you should prepare your home for when you are gone. Many men and women have their homes broken into when they are away. Criminals who specialize in burglary know to look for dark homes or piled up mail. If you have a neighbor, friend, or family member who can pick up your mail, it is recommended that you have them. Many post offices will also hold mail for you free of charge. You should visit your post office at least a day or two before you plan on leaving, you will have to fill out a request form. Since you do not want to leave your lights on the whole time that you will be away, it is recommend that you purchase a timer for them. When you are away you can set the timer to have an outside or a couple of inside lights turn on, as if someone was home. Your house is less likely to be burglarized if people believe that you are home.

Whether you are just running errands in your neighborhood or traveling out of town, keep the above mentioned tips in mind. Should you ever find yourself about to be burglarized or assaulted scream as loud as possible, you want to draw attention to yourself and your attacker. Women traveling alone run a potential higher risk of being the victim in a crime. Traveling with another person or a group will help keep you safer. If you must travel alone, stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

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