Salt Your Sidewalks During This Christmas Holiday

It’s extremely important that you salt your steps and sidewalks during the winter. Especially if you’re going to be having parties for Christmas or for New Year’s you don’t want any of your guests to be slipping on the ice while they are walking up the steps to your party. This is an easy accident to avoid, all you need to do is go down to your local hardware store and pick up a bag of salt. Christmas parties and new year’s parties are packed with women wearing high heels and you wouldn’t want any of those women to fall and hurt themselves.

The best time to apply the salt to sidewalks and steps leading up to your home would be the moment you buy the salt. Most salt will start working immediately, but if there is snow on the sidewalks you’ll want to shovel the snow away first before applying salt.

Avoid sprinkling the salt near grass or certain shrubs, come springtime this could harm certain plants in your yard.

Here are some of the plant life that can be in danger of salting;


Sugar Maples


Green ash

Red Maples

Tulip polar








White pines

Norway spruce


Balsam fir


Red fescue

Kentucky bluegrass

Make sure you apply the salt directly to the walkways to avoid any harm you might bring to the plant life in your yard.

Some of the accidents caused by ice could be as simple as straining of the back from somebody trying to balance themselves while walking up your walkways. The worse things that can happen could be one of your loved ones slipping on the ice and cracking their skull all the way to a freak death. Having any of these type of accidents happening during the celebrated holidays could bring happiness to an immediate end.

The most important thing about applying salt to your sidewalks and stairways is to keep any of your guests or family members from harm’s way during these winter holidays. Although doing this task is unrewarded the reward will be that you have brought safety to your loved ones.

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