Save Money and the Environment: Electricity in Our Homes

Air conditioning and heating are huge factors in electricity use in the home. Keeping the air conditioning on a higher temperature like 78 will decrease your energy use by 3-4%. In the winter, keeping your heater on 68 has the same effect. Save money and create less pollution.
The electric water heater, washer and clothes dryer are also major factors in our home. Replacing old electric water heaters with modern tankless ones can save you up to 50%. Washing clothes in cold water instead of hot can save electricity in our homes. Use a clothesline or a laundry rack to dry wet clothes and save money.
Lighting in the home is a necessity. Replacing regular light bulbs with compact fluorescents is a good way to save money on the electricity in our homes. Compact fluorescent bulbs use 70% less energy than regular light bulbs. They also last about 10 times as long as regular light bulbs.
The refrigerator is the second-largest user of electricity in our homes. The first is the air conditioner. Refrigerator models before 2001 are larger energy wasters then newer models. The most efficient refrigerators use as little as 200 kWh.
The electricity in our homes is an important factor in how we live. October 30 is Vampire Power Day. Unplugging all of the appliances that are not in use can save you a bundle of money. It also has a huge impact on the environment. It is responsible for wasting an estimated $4 billion in the U.S. annually and the Office of the Press Secretary notes that this figure could rise by 20 percent by 2010.
The Department of Energy has some great tips on how to save money and create little pollution. You can get information on financial assistance for energy-saving improvements. Buying a tankless water heater and other environmental friendly products allow you to be reimbursed by the government. If your not sure where to start, get an energy audit. An audit will show you problems that may need to be corrected and can save you significant amounts of money over time.
According to Michael Bluejay, these are the best ways to help the environment and save you money on your electric bill. We can reduce coal emissions simply by reducing our electricity consumption. Help stop global warming.
Michael Bluejay, “Saving Electricity,”
Office of the Press Secretary, “Fact Sheet: Taking Additional Action to Confront Climate Change, “