Save Time and Money Using Only Three Household Products

I don’t know about you, but I’m always up for inexpensive and easy ways to make household duties less of a ‘pain in the you know what.’ So, I thought I would share a few ideas with you. Below you’ll discover several ways that three dirt cheap products can save you a lot of time, money, and stress around the house.

Dust half as often

To help reduce the amounts of dust build up in certain areas of your home try wiping them down with furniture polish. The waxy polish creates a slick surface which makes it harder for dust particles to stick. This works well for base boards, any wood surface, ceiling fans, window seals, and many other areas of the home. You can even use it on the window blinds, which is great because they are huge dust magnets.

Clothes and Fabric Stains

Every time I put on a white shirt it never fails, I always seem to get food or some other sort of stain on it. The best thing to do in this situation, if you can, is run the stain under cold water and massage it with your finger tips. This will prevent the stain from being totally absorbed by the fabric. Afterwards, as soon as possible, wash the fabric on a cold setting and allow it to air dry. Do not put it in the dryer. If the stain has not been completely removed, drying it will fix the stain and it will be virtually impossible to remove.

Removing Unpleasant Odors

If your clothes are sporting some sort of foul odor, try washing them on a cold setting with �¼ a cup of apple cider vinegar. You may have to repeat a couple times, but it should do the trick. ACV can also remove odors without washing. My sister bought a used leather jacket that reeked of cigarette smoke. She placed the jacket in a closet for three days with a coffee cup filled with apple cider vinegar. After the three days the smell was completely gone.

You can use Apple Cider Vinegar for pet odors too. Leave a cup of ACV near the cats litter box to reduce the smell. ACV has even been known to remove skunk odor from dog’s fur.

If you can’t seem to get rid of those unattractive water spots on your glasses, try adding Ã?¼ cup ACV to your dishwashers rinse cycle. This little tip may not involve any strange odors, but it’s just as valuable.

Increase the Life Expectancy of Household Items

You’ve heard of soaking dish sponges in bleach to rid them of bacteria, but there is an even better way to do this. Dampen the sponge and place it in the microwave for ninety seconds. This technique eliminates 99% of disease causing germs making it more effective than the bleaching technique. Be sure to remove the sponge from the microwave with a pair of tongs or another utensil in order to avoid being burned. This process not only protects you and your family from harmful bacteria, but your sponge will be of use for a much longer period of time.

To make your toothbrush last longer, soak it in hydrogen peroxide when not in use. This helps to reduce bacteria build up, so you won’t have to buy a new brush as often.

I hope you enjoyed reading about these helpful household tips. They are sure to save you a lot of time and money. Think about it: one can of furniture polish, a jar of apple cider vinegar, and a bottle of peroxide are going to cost significantly less than all of the products you would have to buy otherwise to achieve the same results. So why not give em a try; you’ll be glad you did.

Note: For more useful tips for the home and family see the Links to the left listed under resources.

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