Save on Summer Electricity Costs

By increasing the temperature of your air conditioning just a few degrees and keeping the air filter clean, you will save on your bill each month. If health permits, set your air conditioning at 78 degrees F when at home and 85 if you will be away from home for an extended period of time, and you’ll save 3-5% of your air conditioning costs. Keeping the air filters cleaned or replaced will help the unit work more efficiently, and save another 2-3%.
Air condition only those rooms you use most and shut off rooms not used often. Large box fans or ceiling fans can have a significant effect in room temperature. Save the air conditioner for days when you feel it is absolutely necessary. Using a dehumidifier can reduce the humidity in your home to make it more comfortable when the air conditioner is off.
Insulate the attic floor and check door gaskets and window caulking for leaks and drafts, which will allow hot summer air to seep through. If you have central air conditioning, have the heating/cooling ducts checked for leakage.
Awnings placed outside of windows facing south, east, and west will block much of the heat from the sun. Close window coverings on sunny days to help keep the room cool. Solar window films or window shades will also help keep the heat outside. Shade-producing trees planted around the outside of your home will also prevent the sun from striking windows directly and keep your house cooler. As the trees grow, the energy savings will increase.
Use heat-producing appliances in the kitchen only during the evening hours to avoid heating the air in the house during the hottest part of the day. Conventional ovens add moisture to the air and heat up the kitchen, and the air-conditioning unit must compensate by running longer. Learn to use a crock-pot for long-cooking meals, rely on the microwave, use the outdoor grill, or serve cold meals such as sandwiches and salads. If you must use the oven, keep preheat times to a minimum. Except for breads and pastries, preheating may be eliminated. Cook multiple meals at once and freeze in individual containers for quick reheating in the microwave. Using glass or ceramic pans in the oven will allow you to lower the cooking temperature by 25 degrees. Wait until the dishwasher is completely full and run on the shortest cycle possible.
Wash and dry only full loads of laundry whenever you can; several small loads will also add heat and moisture to the air. Hang clothing outside to dry if you have space. Clean the lint trap of the dryer with every load for more efficient drying.
Cover the swimming pool when it is not in use to retain heat. Controlling evaporation and debris will keep the pool warmer and cleaner, so the filter will have to run less often. For heated pools, reduce the temperature of the water and limit the number of months that you heat the pool.
Following these suggestions could save you from 15-25% on your electric bill, and if you live in a hot climate, you could save even more!