Saving a Bundle on Your Auto Insurance Coverage

There are some factors that affect your auto insurance costs that you can control, such as your driving record, but others that you cannot, such as the area where you live. Your driving record is easy to control, just be a focused driver, obey the traffic laws, and watch out for the other drivers around you, in case they are not doing as they should be. The area you live can control your rates if is determined to be a high accident zone, such as a busy urban area, for example, driving your rates higher as you are more likely to have to file a claim. Insurance rates are also influenced by your age, the type of vehicle you drive, previous insurance claims that you have filed in the past, and how long you have been driving.
When doing your comparison shopping, you want to get as much coverage as possible, while still at the lowest rate. One big factor that determines your auto insurance costs is the deductible you select. The lower the deductible, the more expensive your rates will be. Most people never use their auto insurance unless they are in a serious accident, and would be fine with choosing one of the higher deductibles. The lower deductibles are good if you are someone that plans to repair every dent or scratch you get on your car, but in the long run, it would still probably be financially better for you to fix those things out of pocket and still go with the higher deductible.
Another way to save money is to have all of your insurance policies with the same carrier, to get group discount rates. For example, a married couple could list both cars and their homeowners/renters insurance and get major discounts. But, make sure that you like your carrier before putting all of your eggs in one basket like that. If you don’t like the coverages offered say for the homeowners, you probably would want to leave you auto with them to get the lowest rate, but get your homeowners elsewhere. It all basically boils down to doing your homework.
One website that many people use for quotes is They offer competitive rates and a very detailed, easy to navigate website. They also list the rates of some other insurance companies as well, so you can comparison shop all at one site.
Geico is another insurance company that is well known for low auto insurance rates. You can do all of your policy maintenance thru their site as well. The one downside is that all business with them is basically done either by phone, online, or by mail, as they don’t have any local offices that I am aware of.
Basically, no matter what company you decide to put your auto insurance with, make sure they have a clean record with the Better Business Bureau, and also research online to find out what other consumers have to say. This way you have a good idea of the bonuses and flaws associated with getting those lower rates. By being a savvy shopper and doing your homework, you can still save a bundle. You just have to take the time to look.