Saw 2 – Sequel to First Hit Saw

Saw isn’t your average horror movie, as it is very puzzling, but it sure is a hit. It is one of those movies that leave you thinking until the end, and then boom right at the end leave you hanging. Saw returns in dramatic fashion, and critics are raving that this will be a top box office movie. When Saw was released many people didn’t understand the movie by it’s previews so they went to see it.
Then even more puzzled, they still couldn’t understand it, until the end of course. Sure… Saw 2 is going to continue on where Saw 1 left off, but there are still a lot of questions to be solved. CAUTION: Spoilers ahead. Some questions are, what ever happened to the guy at the end of the first movie? The Doctor told him he would be back to save him. He left to find help, and the so called dead man in the middle of the floor gets up and tells Adam where the key is.
Well if he remembers correctly the key falls down the pipe, and he is stuck. The killer states “Game Over”, and shuts the door. That’s it, it ends like that. With those questions waiting to be answered, I am sure the Doctor will make a return in this film, as to where the killer is, because remember he is not dead.
The current plot of the movie is stated like this… Detective Eric Mason investigates a bloody aftermath of a grizzly murder. Mason has the feeling that it is Jigsaw, the notorious killer who disappeared leaving a trail of bodies – and parts – behind. Jigsaw is at it again, and this time he is not locking two people up in a room.
This time he is playing a game with 8 strangers, unaware of there connection with each other. These eight people are forced to play a game that challenges there wits, and puts each other every one of there lives in jeopardy. If one screws up, all can be in trouble. This looks like the true plot that will be played out in Saw 2, and it looks very good.
With Jigsaw still running amuck, it is only fair to believe it is him that is planning these games again. Obviously they want you to believe this, but I wouldn’t doubt Lions Gate to make this obvious and find out another common character to be the killer. Again I saw there are a lot of questions to be answered, as to what happened to Adam at the end of Saw 1.
We all believe he just rotted in that deserted room and died, but could he be making a return in Saw 2? Anything is possible, and the ideas are endless. We will just have to wait until the movie comes out to find out.
Producers James Wan and Leigh Whannel are returning in this hit, so that is good. Saw is a horror\suspense, and is one of those movies that are puzzling to think about, but start to understand during the course of the movie.
In other words it leaves you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole movie. Saw 2 is set to be released to theaters Sometime towards the end of October, 2005.