Scarecrow Halloween Costume for Kids Craft Project

Creating this Scarecrow Halloween costume is easy. It is made out of simple materials that are easy to find and best of all inexpensive. This costume is perfect fro kids aged 5 and under. Older kids may not enjoy his Halloween costume idea as much. If you have a little boy and little girl that would make a great compliment to a little Dorothy from the wizard of Oz.

What You Will Need to Make a Scarecrow Halloween Costume:

Flannel Shirt (to ft your child)
Denim Overalls (To fit your child)
Boots/ Shoes
Raffia on a String (about 3 yards)
Straw hat
Face Paint (red, black, white, yellow)
1 to 2 Fake Daisies or other Flowers

The good thing about this Halloween costume is that your child probably already had most of the basics to make them look like a scarecrow. You might find that you only have to invest in the face paint, raffia, and fake flowers. These things you cost you well under $15, less if you try.

Raffia on a string is a handy craft material that you can find at almost any fabric store. It looks like on string of raffia with a bunch of shorter pieces of raffia hanging off of it the whole length of the string. It really looks a lot like hay. You will probably need about 3 yards of this.

Dress your child like normal in their flannel shirt and overalls. Go ahead and put their socks and shoes on. I like to roll the sleeves and the legs of the pants up so that their wrists and ankles are exposed. Cut our raffia on a string in pieces that will comfortably tie around your child’s wrists and ankles. Tie them on both wrists and both ankles making sure the raffia pieces are hanging down so that they will stick out of their shirtsleeves and pant legs. You might find that you like to do 2 layers of raffia for a more dramatic straw look for your little scarecrow. Turn their pant leg and shirtsleeve back down to cover where you have tied the raffia on like a bracelet.

If you find that your child is opposed to having the string tied around their wrist you can easily sew this raffia into their shirtsleeves and pant legs. Turn their clothing inside out and sew it in about 2 inches above the end of the sleeve or pant leg. Make sure you sew it so that the raffia will stic out of the end of their scarecrow costume.

Next, to complete the scarecrow look you will want to apply some face paint. A black triangle painted over the tip of nose is a wonderful effect. You can also paint little circles as blush on the cheeks. Small black dots as freckles are cute for both a boy and a girl. You may want to leave the eye area unpainted if you have small child that might cry and rub their eyes during the night. This will make a mess if their hands are in the face paint. If you need some more inspiration check out the scarecrow’s face from the Wizard of Oz.

To finish off the scarecrow Halloween costume look you definitely need a straw hat. You can stick the fake flower on the hat or even in the front pocket of the overalls.

Any fun addition you can make to the scarecrow costume will really be great. Additions like a red handkerchief tied around the neck area is very cute. You could also have some raffia sticking out form under here as well. You could also sew on patches to the elbows of the flannel shirt if you are handy with sewing machine. Some patches iron on as well, which is very easy to do.

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