Scrabble Tips, Techniques and Suggestions

Scrabble is one board game that is loved by millions but if your game needs a little help don’t fret. There are lots of ways to improve your game if you’re serious about it. For one, study the two-letter word list, sometimes provided in newer Scrabble games. Many words have only two letters but most people don’t know all of them. These two-letter words can help a lot when you have a word but no place to put it. Simply drop one of the letters of your word in front of one on the board and you’ve formed a two-letter word and made a spot for your new word as well.

Knowing the two-letter word list is a tremendous help if you happen to have the “X” and no place to put it. If there’s an “I” or a “u” on the board you can possibly squeeze your “X” in the spot by the “I” or “U”. Many people don’t know that “Xi” is a word and so is “Xu”. Other little-known two-letter words include ai, fa, id, jo, ka, li, mu, na, nu, od, oe, si, ut and wo.

Three-letter words are also good to know. If someone has already played two letters you can possibly play one of your letters as a third letter in their word. This can open up a whole new space for you to play a word. You can find two and three-letter word lists online to help you study.

Reading from the dictionary, and memorizing certain word spellings, can be a big help in Scrabble particularly the “Q’s”, “K’s”, “V’s”, “X’s”, “Z’s”, and “J’s”. Practice memorizing words that are rare such as words that have a “Q” but don’t require a “U” with it. When you have spare time read the Scrabble dictionary as often as possible. Just turn to any letter and start scanning the words, picking ones you’ve never heard of to memorize. Knowing as many words as you possibly can is the main way to win at Scrabble.

When playing, don’t always go with the first word you see, but try to form other combinations before choosing a word. Don’t choose a word to play just because it’s unique or because you happen to have that word on your tray. Sometimes a smaller word, placed in the right position, can bring more points than a longer word.

Always be on the look out for special openings, such as a triple word place. Double words are also good for points. If you have a unique letter that pays good points, such as an “X”, “J”, “Q”, or “Z” be watching for a triple letter square that you might earn many points for playing. For example, if you happen to have the letter “X”, and you also have the word “Taxi”, you may earn more points playing just the “X” than what you would by playing the remaining “A”, “X”, and “I”. If the “X” can be placed on a triple letter you will earn at least 24 points. But, if you play “Taxi” on no special squares, you’ll earn around half that amount.

If you see that you’ll be able to play all your letters look first for a pair of “double word” spaces. If your letters stretch from one “double word” square to a second “double word” square you will receive the amount of points for your letters, doubled, then doubled again, plus the bonus points for playing all the letters. Some people forget this and look only for a “triple word” square to hit but the “triple word” square pays less than two “double word” squares.

Avoid wasting the “S”. The “S” and the blank are important because the blank can be used as an “S”. Using an “S” often allows you to add on to another word, receiving those points, then start a new word, receiving those points as well. Many words begin or end in “S” making this a very useful letter. The same goes for the blank.

Try to anticipate the opponent’s next move – even set the move up for him. For instance, if you see there are two of the “triple word” squares available, but one is more attractive than the other, points-wise, try to make it easy for the opponent to take the other one and leave you the one you want by placing an easy letter for him or her to play from, like an “N” or “T”. This sometimes makes it irresistible and if you’re playing in that direction, sometimes they’ll stay focused in that direction.

It’s best to try and get rid of hard letters to use, and ones that have a high value, towards the end of the game. If your opponent runs out of letters before you, you’ll be stuck owing quite a few points. And, if you intend to run out of letters first, it’ll be easier if you have simple letters to play – ones that work well together. If you’re stuck towards the end of the game with a “G”, a “Q”, a “J” and a “Z”, you’ll have to play at least four rounds to rid yourself of these letters. But, if you are stuck with an “A”, an “N”, an “E” and a “T” it will be much easier to play them.

Because of advertising in the real world many people forget certain spellings. One example is “Arid” or “Arrid”. Some people get so used to seeing words misspelled in the name of advertising that they actually spell the words that way. You can make a lot of points, and get extra turns, if you catch these misspellings.

The best way to get really good at playing Scrabble is to practice often. If you have no one to practice with play sample rounds on your own. Just draw enough letters for both trays and take turns looking at the trays then playing words. Make sure you turn the tray away from you when playing the other. Of course, you will still remember some of the letters on the other tray, but no fair cheating! Practice as often as you can and you’ll get really good in no time.

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