Sea Kayaking in Vancouver, British Columbia

Sea kayaking is becoming more and more popular and may even be replacing hiking for many people while creating new horizons for nature lovers, canoeists and active travelers. Sea kayaks are ideal for viewing wildlife, as they glide silently across the water without creating any disturbance. Sea kayaks are enjoyable for kayakers, no matter if they are just beginning or have spent many hours in the seat of a kayak. These kayaks are stable, comfortable, and seaworthy and, with the help of experienced guides, beginners will quickly learn the basics needed.

Sea kayaking in Vancouver is no exception; it is the best way to view this beautiful area of Canada. Vancouver has several areas that are excellent sea kayaking areas. These areas have several tour companies that offer excellent sea kayak adventures. The areas often covered on the tours by these companies are Johnson Strait, Wilderness Islands, Nootka Sound, Clayoquot Sound, and the Gulf Islands.

Johnson Strait, located on the northeast coast of Vancouver, offers excellent sea kayaking adventures. With this area being home to one of the world’s largest resident Orca populations, sea kayaking allows the kayaker the opportunity of getting up close and personal with these beautiful creatures. Johnson Strait is also home to other wildlife such as humpback and minke whales as well as porpoises, bald eagles, rhinoceros auklets, bears, seals, dolphins and more. A sea kayaking adventure in Johnson Strait also allows the adventurer the chance to see abandoned ancient native villages or take part in a traditional native salmon BBQ. With its hundreds of islands, forests, native cultures, wildlife, Johnson Strait is a fantastic sea kayaking destination.

The Wilderness Islands offers the sea kayaker a secluded adventure away from other people, scenic campsites and the opportunity to view incredible wildlife. Thrill at the sound of an eagle call from perched high in a treetop or witness its impressive wingspan as it goes on its daily hunt for food. Discover the vibrant sea stars and anemones in the crystal clear waters of this area. These islands are also full of native history for the kayakers with a historical interest.

Nootka Sound, located on the northwest coast of Nootka Island offers visits to one of the largest otter populations in the world by the sea kayaker. This area is also known for its natural predators as well, such as black bears, bald eagles, wolves and more. With all this wildlife, photographic opportunities are never ending. Waters located here are also full of wildlife, salmon and lingcod are plentiful in the Nuchatlitz. Other highlights of a sea kayaking adventure in Nootka Sound include the thrill of paddling in a giant sea cave, feel the spray off of a crisp, clean waterfall, native cultural interpretation, or just sitting back and relaxing while enjoying the beautiful scenery all around.

Clayoquot Sound is known all around the world for its summer population of resident Grey Whales as well as the geothermal waterfall and rocky pools of Hot Spring Cove. This area has recently been designated a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, and abounds with wildlife.

The Gulf Islands are located on the south east coast of Vancouver Island. These islands offer the sea kayaker the opportunity to bird watch, visit sandstone cliffs or clamshell beaches and of course stunning scenery.

Vancouver is an excellent place to sea kayak. The opportunities that await the visitor here are tremendous and afford wonderful memories through out one’s stay. Between the wildlife and the spectacular scenery found in this area, there is surely something here to capture the attention of each guest, no matter where their interest lies.

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