Seasonal Home Craft Ideas for Old Wooden Blocks

A block of wood, with a little paint and a few notions, can be turned into a magnificent craft in no time. If you have no wooden blocks you can purchase smaller ones at a craft store or larger ones at a lumber mill or farm and garden store. Save money by purchasing a large, four-sided post and cut it to desired lengths.

Use blocks of wood to make Christmas carolers. They can vary in size as long as no one caroler stands too tall or too short. Paint the wooden blocks white and let dry. Apply a second coat and allow it to dry as well. Purchase hats or “stocking caps” to glue on the top of each wooden block, as a hat. You can also make your own by wrapping a piece of plaid flannel or another cloth around the head and shaping it like a nightcap. Add a bell to the end if you’d like.

Just under the hat paint yellow, black or brown hair, from the center of the block over to what wil be the ear area. After it’s dry paint around back, just below the cap. Dip a pencil eraser or another round object in black paint and dot the paint to form to eyes, just beneath the drawn hair. Use a larger circular object to make a mouth that appears to be opened wide and singing. Use pink paint and cotton balls to dab coloring on the cheeks.

Wrap a cape-like piece of fabric around the “neck” and allow to drape almost to the floor. Attach a large black or red button where the cape meets in the front. Where the cape parts, just below the large button, glue 3 or 4 small buttons straight down, on the wood, to make it appear as a shirt is worn under the cape.

Just below the last button hammer a large nail partially into the wood then remove the nail. Use a piece of coat hanger or another strong wire to glue into the hole. This wire will help to hold the song books in place. For the song book laminate several pieces of paper and stack them together. Fold in half and glue the center inside fold to the wire. Trim wire even with top of song book.

Besides the carolers this design can be used to make a snowman with scarf, a Thanksgiving turkey, or an Easter bunny. Use very small pieces, with the same designs, to decorate the mantel or a shelf.

Make a scratching post for your favorite feline by covering the block of wood with a carpet remnant. Nail the post to a large round or square base to keep it from tipping. Or use a really long piece, with no base, and simply set it by the front window for the cat to use at will.

Make a plant stand by using two bases, one on top and one on bottom, with the wood block in between. Paint or otherwise decorate the stand then place a fern or another plant choice on the creation.

Use a wooden base and attach a four-sided post section to it. Screw in “C” screws for a unique coffee cup holder. Paint it or use decorative stickers, wallpaper or foam shapes to further enhance it. Make different sizes to hold pot holders, spatulas and other kitchen items.

Use a flat piece of wood and attach a piece of fabric with teddy bears, dolphins or whatever you desire. Sewing departments are full of all types of pretty patterns on cloth. Cut a piece of the material, slightly smaller than the wood. Use white glue to attach the fabric to the wooden piece. On the back, attach hanging hardware, found in a pack at department stores. You can enhance the picture by outlining it in decorative rope, lace or tiny novelty items.

Use a small, flat block of wood as the base for any number of designs that you can set on the mantel or a shelf. Purchase a tiny picture frame and after inserting the photo, attach the base of the frame to the wooden base. If it’s a picture of a child you can decorate the base with ceramic soccer ball and mini trophy. Or, insert a Native American picture in the frame then decorate the base with turquoise strung beads and ceramic arrowheads.

Use a long, narrow, flat piece of wood to attach three or more photos. After painting the base, set one frame forward on the base, and the other frames further back. Decorate the corners of the base with brass tips. Use a similar piece of wood to make a key ring holder. Paint the wood and string a narrow piece of rope from one top side of the wood to the other. Glue the string in place. Use “C” hooks, in random areas on the wood, to hold key rings. Or, after painting the wood and gluing on the rope use it as a door hanger to say “Keep Out” or “Knock First”.

There are many more rustic designs you can make with a piece of wood like a name plaque for your front door or a hot dish holder for the kitchen counter top. Look at the wood and see what shape and size it is then try to image other crafts that you can make with it. You’ll have lots of fun.

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