Seeing the World Through the Eyes of a Newborn Baby

A newborn baby can not see very well. His/her eyes are hazy and out of focus. The reason for this is because the optive nerve, which transmits information from the eyes to the brain is not yet functioning like older children or adults. It is hard to tell by looking at a newborn baby if they can see color.�¯�¿�½

We look at them and they smile so we think they can see what we are showing them but really they can not. Their colors are shady. They can see black and white patterns better than solids. If your baby is focusing too hard on an object his/her one of the eyes will drift away making them see double.�¯�¿�½

Give it time they will see better within a few weeks.They are only newborns. For the first few months your baby’s eyes may look pale blue or a grayish color that is because they are so thin. Their eye color do change after a few weeks as well.

A infant about 4 to 5 months can now see much better. In fact, they can all color and objects well. Her brain is not getting the right signals and is able to focus the images. Infants about this age can roll, try to sit up, hold their head up, babble, and some try to crawl. This stage in their lives they want to get moving so place them in a walker. Have them try to reach for objects so they can move their feet and attempt to walk.

A baby who is 8 to12 months old can for sure see clearly. Their brain has matured a lot since birth. Their body has finished depositing pigment in the irises. Now that they can see much clearly now parents should try and work on their language. Make sounds of the toy that they play with.�¯�¿�½

Their favorite movie, doll, train all make some kind of noise. So try to help them with this stage of development. Some babies do not say any words until they are at least 10-12 months old. Some children are delayed and do not say any words until they are 12-18 months old. It is normal for this to happen but parents should spend special time with the child to work on speech.�¯�¿�½

Everyday talk is not only helping but up close speaking and bonding and playing with the child is going to make him/her say a word or two. You will be so proud of them. Make eye contact always when speaking to your child. All in good time they will grow and blossom into their own little person that they are.

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