Sell Anything on eBay

The trick to selling ANYTHING is in your presentation. First, you must capture your potential buyer’s (PB’s) attention… make him/her want to read what more about what you are selling. The trick is to make them open your sale pageâÂ?¦
Wrong: Jar of Mud
Right: Got dirt? New Orleans DIRT-MUST SEE!
Once you get your potential buyer (PB) to read your listing, you want to make it desirable. Give them a reason to buy it! Give them a story- where did YOU get it? Why are you selling? Why should they buy it? WHAT CAN THEY DO WITH IT???? (This is especially important if your item is unconventional).
Wrong: I am selling a jar of mud. It is from New Orleans. Please see the photo.
Right: This auction is for a jar of NEW ORLEANS DIRT! That’s right, I will get you your dirt from your choice location (Levee, uptown, downtown, etc.). It will come in a glass jar (so you can see and enjoy it) and will be labeled “NEW ORLEANS.” Do you travel a lot? A Mud collection is a fun, novel, and cheap souvenir! Use it as a paper weight, a conversation piece, or a book end! And remember: This is NO Ordinary dirt! It is NEW ORLEANS dirt, scooped by a true little Cajun baby/ southern belle especially for YOU! Bid NOW, don’t miss out on the dirt!
Now, throw in something small for free. Who doesn’t love to get an extra little something for nothing!? Sometimes it is the little things that get the sale.
Right: As lagniappe (something extra for free) I will throw in a free pair of long Mardi Gras Beads with your order.
Be sure to include a picture of your item and your terms of sale. Generally, terms are very similar from seller to seller but you want to make sure you post it at the end of every sale page so your buyer knows exactly what he or she is going to get:
Buyer pays s/h. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE YOU BID!!! I ONLY accept PAYPAL, BILLPOINT, and BIDPAY. Sorry, NO PERSONAL CHECKS or MONEY ORDERS!!! Payment is due within 5 days of close of auction. Bidder prepays for item and shipping/handling charges (US Priority Mail, US funds only). BUYER MUST CONTACT ME WITHIN 48 HOURS OF CLOSE OF AUCTION!!! If I am not contacted within 48 hours of close of auction I have the right to relist the item. I reserve the right to NOT honor bids from anyone whose feedback record reflects non-payment for a high bid, or who argues over the cost of shipping and handling. I will ship item within 3 days of close of the auction. I am not responsible for items lost once in the mail. Insurance is optional. ALL ITEMS ARE “AS IS”…so ask questions BEFORE you bid. All sales are final. I take feedback very seriously and will leave feedback for all winning bidders after they have left feedback for me. This confirms they have received their item and the transaction is completed. Thanks for looking at my auction!!!
Setting the price can be very tricky. The mud, for example, was set at $.99 and was sold for $4.99. When people look down the page at the prices, they usually click on the lower dollar prices. They would rather look at something for $3.99 than $4.00. It’s only ONE PENNY, but consumer psychology indicates that people are more likely to buy odd priced items- that’s why so many retail stores sell items for say $10.99 instead of $11 or $10.49 rather than $10.50.
Once the item is sold, it is important to contact your buyer. In a friendly, short note, let them know they won your auction and their item will be sent out as soon as you receive payment.
Remember when you send your item out to include your piece of lagniappe and a short, handwritten note thanking them for their purchase. It’s the little things that will get you repeat buyers.
Happy selling!