Selling Clothes on Ebay

For many people, selling on Ebay provides extra spending money and for others it is their sole income. Becoming a seller on Ebay is as simple as registering. In fact, around your house probably sits many items that someone around the world is looking for. Check the listings for clothing, and you’ll see thousands of pieces of garments or lots of clothing for sale. Selling clothes on Ebay can do two things: help you clean our your closet and get a little cash for your clothing.

When selling clothes on Ebay a good, quality photo will go a long way in securing bids. Since digital cameras can sometimes distort true color under certain lighting, make sure your clothes are well lit and check your pictures before uploading them to Ebay. If they don’t look good on your computer screen then they won’t look good to a potential buyer. Set your camera to the highest resolution possible. This will ensure that the best photo you will take the best possible photo with your digital camera.

If you are selling more than one item of clothing, make sure all garments can be well seen in the group photo. Take a picture of each individual outfit to put into your listing. Ebay will allow you to upload one free photo, then to use their hosting service, other pictures have a fee. Consider signing up for a free photo hosting website and use HTML in your description to embed those photos in your listing. The HTML image tag (example: ) is what you’ll need to use to point to your picture online.

Carefully look over all of the clothing for any wear, tears, or other imperfections. Make sure you list your findings in the description. When listing clothes, you will have the chance to list the condition as either new with tags, new without tags, or other. If the item is new with tags, it would be a good idea to list in your title the letters “NWT,” so people searching Ebay for clothes will know your listing contains clothing that is new.

There are literally thousands of pieces of clothing for sale on Ebay. My general rule of thumb when it comes to selling clothes on Ebay is I only list pieces that are different or have value. Take a look around at the clothes that have bids on Ebay to get a feel for what people are looking for. Some people buy vintage clothing while others are looking for great deals on designer clothes. Another tidbit I’ve learned from selling on Ebay is that you never know if it will sell unless you list it. Give it a try, and judge for yourself if selling clothes on Ebay is worth it.

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