Selling Your Handcrafted Jewelry

The world of fashion is one of an ever evolving culture, reflecting a wide variety of aspects from life, from the little things to the profound. Throughout history has the design of jewelry been influenced by the wealthy, the spiritual, the fashionable, the functional. At times it seems as though the high and elaborate has overtaken, then a piece of such stark and simple beauty draws everyone’s eyes.

No one person’s taste is exactly the same, small details for each customer, they each have their own quirks if you would. Running a smaller scale hand crafted jewelry business, learning how to quickly scan out your customers quirks can lead to greater sell volumes, customer loyalty, and, eventually, expansion.

The easiest way is to organize your wares in an aesthically pleasing fashion, by some sort of order in your mind, by color, style, pricing, though by style will more than likely be the logical choice in this matter, since we are working on discovering how the customer enjoys their jewelry. Obviosuly, depending on if this is a personal store, or a craft show booth, the space may be limited. So improvation may be required in part of that limitation, but often limitations are the catalyst for great ideas. The most important part is to highlight those darling pieces of yours that are the epitome of your work, and to make sure everything is within easy sight distance. Touch and sampling distance is entirely up to your particular needs, as some work, such as hemp, will not have any problem with being handled, while precious metals may get fingerprints and the like detracting from their beauty.

Another good way to gain attention is to bring some supplies to the show or storefront and craft on demand. There is a world of difference to say something is handcrafted and actually prove that it is, and with a plethora of items being ‘made in china, korea, etc etc’ the customer will most definitely appreciate it. Also, it allows the customer to realize and ask for custom orders, and a piece made to highlight the specific outfit they have on or to complement their other jewelry adds a personal touch they’ll be sure to appreciate.

It also appears more professional to be working on jewelry in between customers than to be reading a book or on the phone. The public opinion is most assuredly one that you want to secure, as word of mouth advertising is still one of the best ways for small local companies, as securing an online prescense is much more difficult with the wholesalers and large companies dominating. Slowly one could work their word of mouth precense to include web prescene, perhaps advertising on forums for various jewelry making magazines, or beading suppliers, or something of that ilk.

Never forget that your first impression is one that will make a lasting impression, and although bad first impressions can be rememdied, there is no guarantee that you would come across the same customer again, therefore destroying the chance of any possible rapport.

A harder aspect to realize is that of the niche market, that, depending on location, may lower chances and profit. A community or show with a higher average age may not be as inclined to buy your fiber or macramÃ?© as they are your gold and silver. A lower aged population is much more receptive to the lower priced items, as well as items based over what the ‘fashionables’ are wearing. I use that term loosely as it is very relative, but think of it mostly as what the demographic at large is drawn to.

Some research does need to be put into what the community values as a whole, perhaps inquiring upon which pieces are selling at jewelry stores, and finding similar small craft stores, and examing what they have to offer. This is not a fast process, and allows you to slowly adapt your wares to the location you are selling from. If something is not selling at all, simply swap it out for a tray of different items, if you are unable to display everything at once.

Another thing is keeping an eye out for unique supplies to add to your stock, allowing something off the wall you would not normally carry to be made, and see how the customers react. Something completely contrary to your normal style will allow them to realize that you can do things drastically different from that of the norm, and expand their thinking to what they perceive as within limits for you.

The selling game is really just a head game, but one that you prepare for through research and learning as much about your customers as you can. Doing so will make both you and your customers happier and in stronger rapport, as even the best jewelry designer will not get far without the people skills to sell his wares.

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